Chapter 3 : Lame lemon

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You can skip if you want to. Nothing really important in this one, like I said at the end of the previous chapter.

Third person POV

Nightmare was pinning Killer to his bed, and stripping him, slowly. His tentacles slide on the smaller from time to time. Killer tries to free himself afraid of what Nightmare will do to him.

Once he finally strips the last bit of clothing Killer had, he looks at him with a smile... a creepy smile.

Killer : P-please... N-nightmare... B-boss... stop it...

Nightmare : ... ... Sorry Kills... I won't stop... But, if you behave, I will try to be as gentle as possible... won't make any promise, because I don't know if I could keep myself from going all out on you. You are just... so cute...

He smiles and rubs Killer's ribs slowly. He goes and kisses Killer softly, while grinding to his pelvis. He licks his teeth for entrance. Killer pulled away from the kiss which made Nightmare groan until he saw how cute the smaller is.

Killer : P-please... I-I never...

Nightmare : ... You are a virgin ?

Killer blush a deep red and nod, looking away afraid.

Nightmare : ... I see.

He was smiling a bit and sighed, thinking. He seems to have an idea. He teleports then comes back with chains.

Killer : W-what...?!

He backed off to the wall, trembling.

Nightmare : Don't worry, I won't harm you. It is a safety measure for you.

Killer : How is it a safety measure ?!

Nightmare : You will see~

He grabs Killer with his appendices and chains him. So basically, Killer can move his arms a bit, so he won't get hurt if he trashes a bit around but they are pinned above his head.

Once Nightmare tied him up, he closed his eye and the goop actually disappeared from him. Killer looks at him, shocked.

Nightmare : That's why I tied you up. I am weaker like this, but I don't want you to make any idea. It is just so it will hurt less for you. After all, I am smaller in this form and gentler. It will be our little secret.

He spread Killer legs open slowly. The smaller blush from embarrassment but try to fight back.

Nightmare : Killer. I took this form for you. So you won't suffer too much on your first time. If you continue like that, I just do thing like I want... meaning you could never walk again~

Killer freeze.

Nightmare : That's what I thought. I don't say you have to beg or whatever. But your punishment will be this. To become mine and mine alone. Sorry~

Killer : I... I am not your toy...

Nightmare : ... Never said you were.

He continues to prepare Killer by sliding his hands on the smaller while kissing and biting his neck. Killer tries to contain his moan but when Nightmare finds a sensitive spot, he knows right away since he moans louder.

Nightmare smiles because Killer is cute like that, so he has a bit of a purple blush, a shame that Killer closes his eyes. When he finished preparing the smaller, he lined himself with the entrance. Killer opens his eyes when he feels it.

Nightmare feels the fear coming from him. He put a hand on Killer's cheek and gave him a comforting smile.

Nightmare : That will be alright, Killer. I will take it slowly, just for you. So try to relax a bit, Kills.

Killer opens his mouth to scream at him, but says nothing, because of Nightmare's gaze. A soft and loving gaze. Like if Killer was all he needed in his life.

He slowly slides in him and waits for him to adjust. Killer shakes a bit, since it hurts and Nightmare strokes his head, waiting for the pain of the smaller to go away, covering him with butterfly kisses.

After 5 minutes, Killer looks at him, shyly, and Nightmare takes it as a signal to try to move. He moves slowly to see if the smaller is alright, which seems to be the case. He kisses Killer. He thrust inside of the smaller slowly and fastened his thrust over time, to go easy on Killer.

Meanwhile, Killer's moan begins to rise slowly. He rests his head in the crook of Nightmare's neck, making the taller smile at how cute he is.

After the lemon, Nightmare POV~

I look at Killer's sleeping form, smiling. I free him from the chains, which I teleport to Killer's "special room". A room I prepared in case Killer tries to run from me. Let's just hope he will never have to be locked up here.

I go back to my sleeping and adorable Killer. I cuddle him, as I slowly drift off to sleep.

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