Chapter 2 - Unwelcomed Guests

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*Extended chapter


Ethan woke up late the next morning as he was running around hectic trying to sort himself out before going to work.

Because he went straight to bed last night, Ethan forgot to sort out his dirty laundry. He had to make sure that all of his bloodied clothes were thrown into the laundry basket, so that his maid would come and pick it up later to clean it. He felt slightly guilty that there was more than usual, but Ethan couldn't change the fact that he was attacked last night.

Ethan was running so late that he didn't have time to even make a quick breakfast, because he had a large role in the upcoming fashion show in a couple of weeks, and Ethan had work he was already late to do.

Shelton was the leading brand in the fashion world, with the family name being bestowed on a pedestal in Europe. With several items from their latest clothing line already blowing up, Shelton had to keep the momentum going, and Ethan was determined to help in doing so.

Helping run operations for the upcoming showcase was a big responsibility for Ethan, and he didn't want to be the one to screw it up. Turning up late to work constantly certainly wasn't going to help either.

With this frame set in mind, Ethan settled for a simple home brewed coffee in a thermos, and a ripened banana to eat on his way to the office.

Ethan opened the front door and was taken back to see someone waiting for him.

"Hi," Ethan mumbled as he was already eating the banana. "Can I help you?"

The man on the other side of the door smiled brightly as held a familiar object in his hands. "I think you dropped this last night."

Ethan's eyes shot open when he was face to face with his wallet again. He was relieved to see his wallet being returned to him, "Oh my god, you're a life saver! I must have dropped it last night."

"You're welcome."

Ethan reached his hand out to grab his wallet, but the guy seemed to pull it away from him at the last minute. The look of confusion on Ethan's face wasn't missed as the other guy began to fiddle with Ethan's wallet instead of returning it to its owner.

"How did you find my wallet?" Ethan asked nervously, as he felt the atmosphere around them change suddenly.

Over the next couple of seconds, two more guys came out of the hiding space from round the corner. Recognising the red and bushy beard, the same guy soon stood in front of Ethan - with a wicked smile emerging from his face.

"I'm Kent, and I'm pretty sure you recognise me from last night."

Ethan's wallet was thrown at him as it landed squarely on his chest. Ethan didn't have to time to even try and catch it, because Kent and his sidemen forced their way inside of Ethan's home - slamming the door behind them.


It was already lunchtime and Kristen couldn't help but constantly look towards the door whenever someone would walk through.

Even though her brother was late to the office most of the time, she knew that Ethan would never skip lunch.

Time continued to pass by as Kristen had her lunch, and curiosity reached its peak when she asked Lewis about her brother's whereabouts.

"Have you seen Ethan today?" Kristen asked politely, "He would hate to miss the donuts Tamsin brought in earlier."

Lewis scoffed after hearing his name, "No, I haven't seen the liability unfortunately. I guess that's why my day has been brilliant so far."

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