Chapter 18 - Time Apart

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Thomas stepped into his dad's office as he walked through the door with the 'owner and founder' crested plaque attached to it.

Thomas' smile broadened when he saw Giles in his office chair. The older man smiled back when he saw his son in the room, and he soon hung up the phone call as he went around the desk to hug his son.

With Giles being poor with technology, they weren't able to set up a video call to talk to each other. So this was the first time in a while that they were remotely in the same room, and Thomas lovingly wrapped his arms around his dad.

"Missed you too." Giles laughed as he shared the same sentiment that Thomas didn't even need to say out loud.

"I came by yesterday but I saw you were out of town." Thomas let go of his dad as he took one of the empty seats in front of Giles' desk. "How are you doing?"

Giles chuckled at how overly concerned his son was. This was their dynamic for such a long time as they were each other's best friend growing up. "Alive and kicking!"

Giles pulled out the Shelton report that was prepared for Thomas' catch up interview. He got his pen out so that Thomas could help fill in the gaps, "How was the mission with the Sheltons?"

Thomas smiled as the gave him the feeling of satisfaction and content. "Pretty great. Ethan's still alive so I say it was successful?"

"This is the same one you called and complained about, right?" Giles checked, "The same one that got you stranded in a completely different state?"

Thomas was able to laugh it off because he got the truth about the tires - eventually. "First of all, the car thing was just a coincidence. The main takeaway from that job is that the family were really nice, and Ethan was a pleasure to be around."

"I knew you could win him round." Giles laughed.

Giles was writing this all down as he updated the file about the Sheltons. Because the bodyguard was highly praising the family, Giles made a note that they were willing to do business with the Sheltons again in the future.

"So how bad was the situation?" Giles asked as he wanted to review how bad everything went.

Thomas scrunched his face as he tried to list out every dangerous situation that occurred. "Initially it was mostly fear that raised their alarms. But then it progressed to several attacks, which included several fists fights, non-lethal stabbings, and property damage."

Giles nodded along as he wrote it all down."That's quite a list..."

Thomas tilted his head as he gestured towards a small scar that would have been visible if his hair didn't cover it. "I had a couple of stitches too while I was there."

"And are-"

"I'm fine." Thomas chuckled as he knew his protective dad was going to automatically check on him.

After a few more follow up questions, both Thomas and Giles signed off the report as Giles then tucked it away for processing.

"Now that we're off the record, I just wanted to say that Javier Shelton praised you very highly for everything you did." Giles added as he showered his son with compliments. "He was very impressed with your persistence, your strength, and your ability to tolerance others."

Thomas just did everything he was trained to do, and so he was happy that all of his efforts came through, because everyone acknowledged that he did a job well done.

One of the employees at Noble Guardians & Protectors knocked on the door as he waited for Giles to allow him inside. Once he was welcomed in, the man dropped off a report on Giles' desk, and swiftly left the room without disturbing them both any further.

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