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Confidence chapter one.

Hi, I'm Kayla. I go to McKinnley high school. I play basketball and love the sport.! I have dark blond hair. I don't know what else to say about myself. I mean. Let's just have a look into my life. You can figure me out that way. Right?
"Lizzie.! I'm scared to.!" I whine.
"You'll be fine.!" She said as if I was being a baby.!

How dare she? I am no baby! Okay, maybe just a little.! If you must know what we're talking about, it's school. I have to do a report in front of some the high school. Yeah, I might play basketball and am the 'star' of the team, but I don't consider myself as that!

I hate doing public speaking. I mean I'm good at it. I don't have a speech problem. It's just I don't like standing in front of so many people.

You might be thinking. "How do you not like being in front of people, but be the head of the team on the court."

Yeah, I don't know! It's just I get nervous.

I'll be fine. You'll do great. No problem. Everyone else is probably going to fail. You'll be the only one to pass!

I tell these things in my head. None of them working.

"Kayla, your up." Mrs.Jami said snapping me out of my thoughts.

I stand up and walk to the podium. Yes, everyone in my class had to do it. Yes, the speech was about ourselves. No, none of these made anything better. We had to do it in front of the whole school!

Liz looks at me with reassuring eyes. I smile and start my speech.

I was nervous. By the end I realized it wasn't that bad, but it still was bad.

I walk back to my seat and sit down.

"You sucked." Jakob Miller said leaning down to me.
"Like you could do any better." I scoffed.
I looked over to see Josh looking at me.
"You did great Nic." Josh said to me.

He always called me by my middle name. Nic, which was shot for Nichole, if you couldn't figure that out for yourself.

"Thanks Josh." I said.

He and I don't hate each other, but we don't like each other. We're not mean to each other, but we're not nice. It's just because we're both so competitive.

They were sitting behind us so Liz and I had to turn around.

"Who's next?" The teacher called.
"Jake Miller." I called.
"Hey shut up." He said pushing the back of my head.
"Ow." I laugh.
"Jakob Miller, your turn." Mrs. Jami said with a smile.

He groaned and then stood to go walk to the stage. He gave me a death stare but then started his speech.

The class was over and it was time for gym. The last class of the day! Girls and guys have that class together. I walk by myself to the gym. Liz didn't take gym and I did. Of course I would! My brothers formed the love in me!

I had three older brothers. They were all in college already.
Kian- he's the oldest. Black hair and talk lanky body. 26
Kaden- he's the youngest, but still old. Blonde hair. He and I had the best relationship, but then he moved off to college. 23
Then there was Kalin- the middle boy. He was the smartest and best at the sport. He had blonde hair also. 25

Yes, we're a family of K's.

I was raised with boys. Mean, sweaty boys! I still loved them though.

I walked into the locker room and got dressed. I was the only girl in there so far. I usually am though.

I walk out looking down at my shoes. Then I bump into someone.

"Oh sorry." I say tumbling back.
"It's fine nic." Josh said pulling to my arm catching me.
I half grin and then start my laps around the gym. We always did twenty laps and then played whatever it was that we were to do that day.

Max and I ran together. Max is my best-guy-friend. He had dark black hair and if I have to say it. He was not ugly. I'm just saying though. I would never date him. Not in a million years! Ever.

He and I finish as coach calls us to sit down.

"Guys, girls. We have a game today. McKinnley vs. our rival school, Edmen high."
Crap I forgot!
"If we lose, trust me, not good for you. You will run for two weeks straight in my class. Suicides!" He chuckles.

He knows we won't lose, but if it just so happens that we do. We really will have to run suicides all next week! Today is Friday so it's all good.

"Today we will practice, boys agains girls." He said.

"Aww. You know the boys have no chance against us." I laugh.
"That might be right Taylor, but they need to practice to." He said with a smile as if telling me that he knows.

"Normal captains." He said.

That meant Josh and I. That also meant that I had to jump against him. It's okay I got this! I really do!

We jump for the ball and he ended up getting it, of course, but one of my girls got the ball and passed it to me. This causing us to score the first point.

~end of day~

"Crap max! I forgot I don't have a ride." I say to him.
"Kay, I can't take you today. I'm sorry." He said.
"Yeah, yeah. Are you going out with Emma today?" I ask teasingly.
"Yeah." He said shamefully looking down.
"How's that going?" I ask.
"Good, other than the fact that she's jealous." He said.
"Of who?" I asked shocked.
"You." He laughed.
"You're kidding, right?" I ask.
"Nope." He said.

"Hey, jimmy! Can you take me home?" I yell across the court.

Jimmy is Lizzie's boyfriend.

"Sorry can't, date." He said.
I groan and fall to the ground like I'm dead. And just lay there. And lay there. With my eyes closed.

"What's wrong with her?" I hear Josh ask.
"She doesn't have a ride home." Max laughed.
"Hey, I can take you." Josh laughed.

"What, you don't have a date with one of your girlfriends." I ask.
"Ha ha. Very funny. You know I'm single." He said.
"Oh." I laugh and then stand up.

"Do you want me to take you home or not." He asked.
"Oh, you were serious about that?" I ask.
"Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?" He asked confused.
"Nothing, never mind. Could you please." I ask.
"Yeah, let's go." He said as we walk off to his car.

The car ride was mostly silent. I kinda guess it's awkward between us. In not sure.

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