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( POR - tus )

" to make a portkey "


LYRA WAS DRAGGED alongside Harry towards the small side room next to the Great Hall. The room was only ever used for the first years waiting to be sorted.

"I'm not a champion," Lyra whispered to Harry, whose arm was into linked with her, "Why've I got to come?"

Harry shrugged, a displeased look on his face, "It's for champions to see their families, I don't think the Dursley's are behind the door."

The quiet hum of chatter could be heard from outside the wooden door, Lyra rolled her eyes with a smile and pushed open the door. She glanced over as Cedric and Amos who each waved ebulliently at her.

"Who's that?" Harry whispered, pointing towards a lonesome man in the corner.

Lyra twirled around in a flurry of orange and yellow, like the embers of a fire. She blinked, wide eyed at the man with dark hair and bright ice blue eyes, lined with faint purple.

"Dad?" Lyra squealed, running towards him.

Lyra was engulfed in a loving embrace by her father. Harry stood awkwardly, taking in the man who stood in the corner.

To Harry, he was quite odd. He looked nothing like his Uncle Vernon, nor Arthur Weasley. Instead, he was tall and soft faced, dressed in posh muggle clothing; compared to the teachers in wizard robes.

"Harry!" Lyra called out, pulling her father towards him, "This is my dad, James."

James offered his hand for a handshake, Harry grabbed it awkwardly, "Hello." He said nervously.

"You look just like him," James said bewildered, "You look just like y' father."

The rest of the champions and their families watched with peaked interest. Amos and his wife were pleasantly surprised to meet Lyra's father, even though the raven hair man was intimidating on first glance.

"You want to see something really scary," A voice called from behind Harry and Lyra, "Make them stand next to each other."

Sirius appeared next to James, embracing him in a long hug. The pair's laughter and words got intermingled into a flurry of affection. Harry and Lyra stood beside each other, like Sirius suggested.

"That's frightening," James said, looking at Harry and Lyra, "They look... that's scary."

James and Sirius could only see Lily and James. Nothing else. All they could see was James and Lily, happy and smiling like everything was normal. They felt like teenagers again, for a moment.

Sirius wiped his eyes discreetly.

James turned to Harry, "That Gadalf thought it would be a good idea for me to come and support you," Lyra laughed heartily, "I tried to get custody of you after Sirius was set to prison, but that's a tale for another time."

𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐒  𝐈𝐍  𝐇𝐄𝐑  𝐄𝐘𝐄𝐒                 a draco malfoy fanfiction [✓]Where stories live. Discover now