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The first thing I do when I get inside the house is run to my new bedroom, take a hot shower and change into the warmest clothes I own. I remember my dad said we should shop for new clothes, but he's still not home and I don't want to ask Ella. I know she wouldn't mind shopping with me, but I still feel kind of shy around her to ask. Taking one of the books I brought with me, I walked downstairs to read in the living room. I would do it in my room, but I'm really cold and the living room has a fireplace. When I walk inside, I see Layla playing with Coco on the carpet. It has to be one of the cutest things I've ever seen.

" Hey, Layla." I say quietly, earning a smile from the shy little girl.

" Hi." She says making me smile too. She's finally talking to me, that's definitely progress.

I sat down on the beige couch holding an old edition of "Frankenstein" that belonged to my mother. It was one of her favorite books and I think I read it at least three times, so why not a fourth one? I'm finishing the second page when Coco walks to me and licks my hand before getting on the couch and laying by my side. I don't know if she's allowed to do that, but when I turn to ask Layla, she's already gone. I can hear her voice and Shawn's in the kitchen, but I decide not to ask because Coco looks really cute and comfortable next to me.

" She's pretty convincing, huh?" I hear Shawn's voice, making me look at him standing next to the fireplace. " My mom doesn't like her to get on the couch because she keeps losing a lot of fur, but we always give in because of how cute she looks."

" She's just too cute. I couldn't say no." I say looking back at Coco sleeping next to me, my hand going to her soft fur.

" You like reading?" He asks walking to sit on Coco's other side while looking at the book in my hands.

" Yeah, a little bit." I say still looking at Coco, trying to avoid his eyes.

" Why didn't you say anything last night during dinner? My mom was talking your ears off about how much I like reading, you could have said something."

" I know. I guess I get too shy sometimes and end up not talking about myself. It's easier to just listen to people instead of saying something." The words come out before I can stop myself. I know him for only twenty four hours and I'm already comfortable talking to him, that never happened before. " I also thought it was funny how embarrassed you were." I add making him laugh.

" Are you liking the book?" He asks, pointing at the one in my hands.

" Yeah." I say finally looking at him. " I mean, I already read this a bunch of times."

" So you're the type of person that reads the same book over and over again." He says like it's a fact.

" You don't?" I ask curiously.

" Nope." He says shaking his head. " I always feel like I should be reading something new. There are so many books out there, and if I keep reading the same one over and over, then I'll never get the time to read everything I want to read in my life."

" I never thought about that, but it makes sense." I say smiling at him.

" I can borrow you some new books if you want to." He says as his hand goes to Coco's fur.

" I would like that." I say looking down at Coco and before I can stop, our hands touch, since we're both petting her. " Sorry." I say quickly, pulling my hands away from his.

When I look up, I notice he's analyzing me, which makes me blush really hard. He gulps as we stare at each other in silence, but suddenly we're interrupted by Ella walking into the room.

" Camila, we should go shopping later. You'll need some warmer clothes if you're going to survive in here." She says as Shawn quickly stands up and walks to the kitchen, leaving me there while trying to breath after the awkward moment that just happened between us.

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