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I make my way out of the house through the crowd of sweaty and drunk teenagers and everything seems to be happening in slow motion while I try to hold back the tears that are about to roll down my face. I finally manage to walk out of the front door of the house into the front porch when I feel someone holding my arm, making me look up the exact moment a tear falls down on my cheek.

" Camila?" I recognize Brian's voice before looking up at his face. " Are you okay?"

" Yeah, I'm okay." I say, trying to pull myself together. " Why wouldn't I be okay?"

" You're crying." He says, making me wipe the tear away from my cheek with my hand. " Has anyone hurt you? Where is Shawn?"

" No one hurt me." I say quickly. At least not physically. " I just want to go home. Can you drive me back, please?"

" Are you sure?" He asks with hesitation, so I nod my head. " What about Shawn?"

" I don't care about Shawn!" I snap with frustration as the image I saw a few minutes ago in the kitchen replay in my head. " Sorry. Can you just please take me home?"

He finally gives in and we walk down the street until we reach his car, opening the door for me before sitting down behind the steering wheel. We don't talk much for the next five minutes and I manage to stop my tears from coming, but then he asks something I wasn't expecting.

" Did he try to kiss you?" He looks at me for a second before focusing back on the road.

" Who?" I try to play dumb, but it's pretty obvious who he's talking about.

" Shawn." I can tell by his tone of voice he knows more than I thought he did. " Is that why you're mad? Because he made a move on you?"

" No." I say quietly.

" I don't get it. You two are clearly pinning over each other, so why don't you just go for it?" I don't say anything and Brian sighs before continuing. " He tried to deny it when I asked him, but he's a terrible liar. He likes you, Camila. And I can tell you like him too."

" If he likes me then why was he kissing Alessia?" I say as the tears finally come in full force.

Brian seems really shocked by what I just said, but doesn't say anything else, instead, he just gives me a hug before I walk out of the car. I make my way up the front steps and stop before opening the door, cleaning my tears in case my dad or Ella are still up. The house is completely dark when I step inside, so I stop by the kitchen and fill a glass of water, which I almost drop when someone turns on the lights.

" Sorry, sweetheart. I didn't mean to scare you." I hear my dad's voice as I turn around to fim him standing by the door. " You're home early. Where's Shawn?"

" He's still at the party. I wasn't feeling well, so I asked Brian to drive me back." I say before resting my back against the sink and drinking the water.

" Are you sick?" He asks, walking closer to me, and then I see the exact moment he notices I've been crying.

" I'm fine, dad." I say with a smile. " I just have a headache and need to lie down."

I give him a hug before walking upstairs and locking myself in my room, quickly getting rid of my witch costume and stepping into the shower. I let the water wash away all the confusion and hurt I'm feeling, wondering why on earth would I believe for a second that he actually liked me. Of course he would prefer Alessia, they've known each other since they were little kids and there's no complications with her. She's not his stepsister. But then, Brian's words from a few minutes ago come back to my head. Even he noticed there was something there and he was so sure that Shawn likes me. He's his best friend, so he knows what he's talking about right?

I turn off the shower and wrap myself in a towel before stepping back into my room and changing into a pair of leggings and an old t-shirt. I hear Coco scratching my door, so I walk there and unlock it, letting her in and closing the door again. With the lights turned off, I collapse under the covers of the bed with Coco laying on the carpet. It takes me a while to fall asleep and next thing I know I hear someone opening my door and stepping in. I open my eyes immediately, looking at the clock over my nightstand that tells me it's 2 a.m., then find Shawn standing there with his back against the door, which I forgot to lock again when I let Coco in earlier. I turn around on the bed until my back is facing him, until I can no longer see his face in the dark, and two seconds later, I feel him laying down next to me. He settles himself under the covers and wraps one arm around my waist, pulling me against his chest.

" Are you awake?" He asks, his warm breath over my neck.

" Go away. You're drunk." I say, not wanting him to say anything he'll regret just because he's not on his right mind. Brian probably told him the talk we had and that I was crying.

" I'm not drunk, Camila." He says, but I don't know what to say back, so we just just stay in silence for what feels like an eternity. " I know you're mad at me. I'm so sorry, but you have to believe me. She kissed me, but I didn't kiss her back."

" Why would I care?" I ask, my mind playing back the kiss I saw, and I have to admit that now, looking back at it, he didn't seem that into it. Or maybe I'm just trying to fool myself because I want to believe him so bad.

" Come on, Camila." He sighs. " How could you even think I like Alessia like that when I've been making it so clear that you're the one that I want?" My heart stops at those words and I can barely breathe. " I like you. I'm sorry I didn't make that clearer, but I was scared of my feelings and the circumstances we're in." He places a kiss on my neck and I can't stop the smile forming on my lips before I turn on the bed to face him.

" I like you too." My voice shakes as he reaches to fix my hair, brushing his thumb along my cheek and making me shiver.

" Can I kiss you?" He asks while looking into my eyes.

I nod my head, scared but also excited at the same time. He takes his time running his hand through my hair before he starts leaning in slowly, letting our lips brush lightly against one another before delicately pressing his lips to mine. I don't know what I imagined kissing someone would feel like, but definitely wasn't like this. This is a lot more than what I had in mind. The feeling is so overwhelming I can't remember where I am for a second, but then he touches my face and a small whimper leaves my lips as I match his movements. We pull away eventually and he places a quick peck over my lips before doing the same with my cheek, my jaw, my neck and my shoulder. I'm nervous for a second that he might go down further, but he makes his way back to my lips and kisses me again before restings his head back on the pillow. We smile at each other and I touch my lips with my fingers, thinking I might be dreaming, but then he pulls me into him and holds me in his arms until we both fall asleep. I just hope I don't wake up in the morning to find out it was all just a dream.


A/N: Sorry for the cliffhanger last chapter, hopefully I'm forgiven after this one 🙈

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