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“ You two are lucky I’m the one who just walked into this.” Julia’s voice makes me pull away from Shawn’s lips immediately as my cheeks burn in embarrassment. She just walked into Shawn and I sharing a kiss that is way too passionate for the place we're in right now. We’re sitting on the carpet of the school’s library, hidden in a corner behind some bookshelves where people don’t usually go. This has become our secret spot to make out during school time, except for Brian and Julia, who always know exactly where we are when we don’t show up for lunch.

 “ I have to go to class.” Shawn says, ignoring Julia’s comment and pecking my lips before standing up and walking away.

 I smile as I watch him disappear through the countless bookshelves, looking at Julia when she clears her throat and rests her back on a shelf across from me.

 “ Girl, you’re so gone for him.” She says in a teasing tone of voice, making me turn even redder. “ If it makes you feel better, he’s even worse when it comes to you.”

 “ Is he?” I ask as I look back at where he was a minute ago.

 “ I honestly have no idea how no one noticed it. You’re both so obvious.” She says with a laugh.

 I laugh along with her before standing up so we can walk together to our next class, and that’s when I see Alessia standing in front of her locker. She hasn’t spoken a word to me since Halloween, which makes things really awkward because she’s still talking to Julia and Brian. Shawn said she’s avoiding him too, which I expected.

 “ She’ll come around, don’t worry. She’s just a little hurt.” Julia says when she sees me looking at Alessia. I was scared she was going to tell someone about Shawn and I, but she didn’t, so I guess she just needs some time. Winter break is coming, so I hope things go back to normal after that.

 I sit down on the top row of the bleachers as I try to solve the geometry homework I have due for tomorrow when Shawn and Brian’s last swimming practice before winter break starts. I try my best to concentrate, and I’m not even as bad in geometry as I am in chemistry, but it’s really hard to focus when Shawn is a few feet away from me in the pool. I let myself watch him for a while, ignoring homework for a bit, before I force myself to stop staring at his cute face and athletic body. I’m almost done with the task in hand when a shadow comes my direction and I feel water dripping on me.

 “ Shawn!” I say in surprise as I look up. “ You’re spilling water all over me.”

 “ Sorry.” He says with a chuckle before shaking his hair and getting water all over my clothes.

 “ Stop! You’re ruining my homework.” I giggle as I try protec the paper in my hands. He stops before running his hand through his wet hair and waiting for me to stand up so we can leave.

 “ The answer is two and half by the way.” He says when I finally stand up.

 “ What?” I ask in confusion.

 “ That last question in your homework. You have to cut off the pi.” He says as I look at the paper again.

 “ Can you stop being so good at everything?” I ask when I realize he’s right. “ It’s kind of annoying.”

 “ You don’t really think that.” He says with a smirk when I hang my backpack over my shoulder. “ You think it’s charming.”

 “ Shut up.” I say trying to hide a smile as I walk down the bleachers, but when I’m about to reach the door, he takes my hand and pulls me flush against his chest. “ Stop! Someone could see us.” I whisper as he wraps one arm around my waist and moves his lips close to my ears.

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