Chapter 4

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No one Pov

It was morning, the two were peacefully sleeping until something sounded like an explosion woke them up. Both of them were startled, getting out of bed and grabbing some weapons and their bags. 

As they race down the stairs they hear arguing, and once they get to the living room they see broken glass, some flames, and the others on the ground. They both ran to each member waking them up. "What the hell happened!? " Taehyung shouted at them getting out of the house. 

"We don't know, one moment we were preparing breakfast and then there was an explosion out of nowhere!" Yoongi yelled, coughing a little. When the smoke cleared they were surrounded by the Crimsons, the third-largest mafia.

"Well, well, Look who we have here. Kim Taehyung, also known as V. Who's that?" the leader, Jay asked pointing to Jungkook. Taehyung hid Jungkook behind his back, "None of your business, What the hell are you even doing here!" 

Jungkook held the necklace around his neck, the one that his sister gave him. As he felt the necklace, he noticed it had a button, so he pressed it not knowing what it did. "Oh you know, wipe you out and gain the title of the strongest mafia!" Jay yelled laughing maniacally. 

Taehyung grit his teeth while the others loaded their guns getting ready for a fight. There were thousands of them, but only 7 of Taehyung's group. Just as it was about to start, one of Jay's men was shot and killed. One by one fell to the ground, but the 7 were confused as to who was shooting.

Jungkook then got the message and what that button was, it was a signal to his mafia that he was in danger. He got out some guns and knives and started to shoot the men and slice/stab their throats or stomach. 

The ones that linger in the shadows, the ones that won't hesitate to take you down and the ones that ruled the undergrounds that is what their mafia stands by, no one gets left behind.

The 6 others started to fight as well, after some minutes, Jay and his gang retreated. The White Wolves came out of hiding, unharmed and wearing masks. Thousands of them came out of the shadows with snipers or smoke bombs, maybe knock out gas. "JK!" Jungkook and the others heard, and that was his siblings running towards him. He smiled at them running towards them as well.

"H-hyungs....n-noona.." He cried, hugging them one by one, leaving the other members smiling at them seeing that one of their leaders were safe and unharmed. Taehyung and the others were getting their wounds treated by the medical team. 

The siblings walked towards them, "Thank you for keeping Jungkook safe. Luckily Zero made the necklace with Mary's help, so that if one of us is in trouble they can signal us." Junhyun explained. "No problem, sorry this happened. Although I didn't expect that there were thousands of you coming here." Taehyung said, putting his shirt back on. The siblings besides Jungkook, who was still terrified, chuckled at his remark.

"Yeah, we are basically everywhere in the world, so of course the ones who live in Korea or at least the Seoul area would come help." Jun explained. Jin and the others were so confused as to what was going on right now. 

"How about we return to our house to explain?" Taigi asked them. They nodded their heads and Junhyun signaled to everyone to go home and take the day off. Misaki gave Jungkook to Taehyung, "Hey bunny it's okay. You are safe now bun." Taehyung said, but Jungkook was still in shock about what happened. 

They all went in different cars, while they drove to Jeon's estate, Taehyung was calming his bunny down by saying sweet nothings. Jungkook had calmed down by now thanks to Taehyung, but he stayed silent throughout the whole ride. 

Once they reached Jeon's estate, Jungkook went straight up to his room, before the others could call him he already slamed the door shut locking it. Mary went to calm down her little brother, while the others sat down in the living room.

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