Chapter 20

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A/n:  This book is coming to an end T-T...

Third Pov

Months have passed, they all graduated from university, "WE ARE OUT BITCHES!!!" Jimin exclaimed dancing in front of his embarrassed friends, who decided to pretend they didn't know him. "So let's celebrate our graduation!" Jin said, the others happily agreed. They went to a high-end restaurant, now that they have graduated, the only thing that was left is the wedding which is in a few weeks. 

"Alright, So Jungkook I know you and Taehyung now live together after he proposed to you, but you guys can't be together from now until the wedding," Namjoon said to the couple who looked at him shocked. "WHAT WHY NOT" Both of them yelled, which resulted in Jin hitting both of them on the head making them sit down.

"Look, it's what Junhyun Hyung said. Plus its tradition for this and Jungkook your sister finished your outfit for the reception so you need to go get fitted as well as you Taehyung." Namjoon explained to them. They both reluctantly agree on this even though it pained them to be apart from each other. Tonight was the last night they could be together until the wedding. When they got back to their apartment they had a very steamy session and of course, they used protection.

~A week later~

Jungkook pov

It's been a week since I and Taehyung have been apart and it's pure torture. Yeah, we both call each other and send texts, but not being able to touch each other is hard. Right now I'm in the flower shop that I opened after graduation. The staff is nice, the place is popular and it's close to my hubby's work. Right now we were on lunch hours so it is pretty packed in here, "Kookie, someone wants to meet you" I hear Mingyu hyung called out. 

I put the bouquet I was working on for my wedding down and went to tend to the customer. I was dusting myself off, "Hello welcome to Euphoria gardens. What can I help you with?" I asked him. "Yeah, can I have you." the customer said, that deep voice, it can't be. I looked up to see my Hubby, I squealed and hugged him, "Tae!" I exclaimed. WHich caused everyone to look at us, I pulled away from him and laughed awkwardly, "Hehe...Sorry everyone please go back to what you were doing." I said bowing to everyone.

I pulled Tae to a secluded area in the gardens, "Tae what are you doing here? Do the hyungs know?" I asked him, while we sat down. He chuckled, "No they don't know that I am here. Plus I wanted to see my wife, is that so wrong?" He said pouting. I laugh at his childish behavior before kissing him, "No I missed you too. Being away from you is torture.." I said cuddling up against him. He held me tight, "I know baby, but in a week we will be together." He said kissing the top of my head.

We stayed like this until one of my workers, Naomi came over to us with drinks and cakes that I baked this morning. " Here you go sirs," she said, handing us the goodies.

 " Here you go sirs," she said, handing us the goodies

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