Chapter 2

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Jungkook pov

I was with Jimin hyung and we were just talking until Jennie stormed in our classroom scaring everyone. She scanned the room until her eyes landed on me and Jimin hyung.

She ran towards us and grabbed both of our arms, but she couldn't move us at all. I may be petite in looks but not in strength, so yeah. 

“Come with me or else” She screamed but me and Jimin were just sitting there smirking at her. “Look you can just tell us here.” I said yanking my arm from her and putting my hands on my desk. Jimin did the same but he was playing with his phone getting annoyed by her and her friends. 

“Fine, who is Taehyung's new play thing!?” She screamed, but both me and Jimin choked on either air or our own saliva. “WHAT!?” both of us exclaimed, shocked to hear this news.

She looked at us shocked as well, “Wait, you two didn't know!?” we both shook our heads no. She sighed and left the classroom leaving everyone to gossip about who could Taehyung's new plaything or whatever that is be. 

After the 1st - 4th period was done, it was lunch time. I actually have a lunch date with my brothers, so i told Jimin hyung that my brother was gonna take me out to lunch. He nodded his head and ran out to the cafeteria, not forgetting to say goodbye to me.

As I was packing up my things I felt two arms wrapping around my waist. As a shy wallflower, I panicked for a second until I heard a familiar voice, “Don't worry baby, it’s just me.” However, him calling me baby made me fluster and dropped my things. 

“T-taetae hyung, w-what are you d-doing here?” I asked, picking up my backpack and faced him, probably looking like a whole tomato. He chuckled a little, Oh god his deep chuckles send shivers down my spine.

“I was wondering if you want to go out to eat.” he asked, I looked at him apologetically, “I'm sorry hyung, but I have a lunch date with my brothers maybe next time.” He looked down and pouted, honestly it looked so cute. 

“Aww, alright, then how about going out with me on saturday?” he smiled while holding my hand. I was shocked and flustered, “U-uh  umm...sure I would love to.” I said smiling at him.

I looked behind him and saw Jun hyung smirking, meaning he heard everything. I pouted at him, “Um do you mind letting go of my baby brother?” he said, shocking Tae Tae hyung. I giggled and waved goodbye to him while I went with my big brother. 

“Sooo, my Kookie going on a date?” Jun hyung said, wiggling his eyebrows, smirking. I scoffed at his childish behavior, “Yeah yeah, but big bro can we hurry up please. Everyone is staring at us right now” he looked around to see that it was true, everyone was staring at us. 

We walked faster to the car, then drove off to LY Cafe where we will be meeting my other two brothers for something important. Once we got there, Jun hyung opened the door for me , then we both went in. 

“Hey over here!” We heard a voice say, when we turned to the source we saw my other siblings! I was shocked to see them here, but I ran to them hugging them to death anyways. Mary Noona chuckled, “Hey Kookie, we missed you so much!”

We all sat and talked for sometime, which is rare because when we get together it’s usually for work internationally. After sometime, Mary Noona took me to the mall because I told them about my date on Saturday.

My other hyungs either were protesting or teasing me, so to help me she just took me to the mall. Jun Hyung said that he will tell my other teachers that I won't be coming to class before we left.

“Okay let's go get you an outfit for your date bunny.” she said, pulling me to a store that had a lot of cute clothing. We searched and searched for the perfect outfit, it felt like hours because she hated the styles.

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