Chapter 19

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(A/n: They used protection and also very long chapter) 

Third pov

After the trip, everyone had to focus on studies since they are all graduating in a couple of months. "Jungkook let's go! We have to get this mission done!" Hiro yelled, Jungkook, Hiro and Zero were going on a mission to get info on the Hwarang company. Many rumors said that this company was doing human trafficking underground, so they need to see if it's true in order to put in the next move.

 "Jungkook, you know what to do, just install cameras. Me and Hiro will be your lookout." Zero said as he parched the car. Jungkook went inside disguised as a janitor, he did the job of one while installing tiny cameras. He got up to the top floor where the CEO was when he was mopping the floor he got close to the door where the CEO was. He planted the camera and recording device in the plant and wall. Luckily these are really tiny so no one will tell what it was at first glance.

 However after he installed it, he heard the CEO say something, "Taehyung, we haven't done it for so long, come over here hmm~~" he heard a woman say. "No, I have a lover. I'm not cheating on him, now if things are done here I will be leaving." He heard his boyfriend say. He smiled internally with what his boyfriend said, but the next thing made him want to cry.

"Taehyung, the last time we did it... I...i got pregnant...this child is yours.." He heard the women say. Jungkook's world shattered, he ran away from the door and back to where his hyungs were. "He...he...he cheated on me...but.." Jungkook couldn't process anything right now, he was too upset. "Jungkook what happened?" Hiro asked him, worried because Jungkook was crying his eyes out. Jungkook jumped to his brother's embrace, "He..he..he cheated on me!" Jungkook cried louder. 

The two were surprised, they both were angry at Taehyung for breaking their precious brother's heart. They drove home so they could talk about it with the others to see what they should do. When they got home, Jungkook ran up to his room to cry some more. "What the hell happened?" Mary asked her brothers, worried about Jungkook. The siblings decided to stay in South Korea for Jungkook graduation. 

Mary Pov

Hiro and Zero explained everything that happened, I stormed out towards Taehyung company to get some answers. I don't like to jump to conclusions without hearing two sides of the story. Once I got there I rushed in towards Tae's cabin, I slammed the door open and went to grab his collar, "SPIT IT OUT YOU PIECE OF SHIT" I yelled at him.

 He was very confused, "W-what do you mean Mary?" he asked me, I scoffed at him, "You know what you did! Why the fuck did you cheat on him!" I yelled at him, not giving two fucks about who hears. The others were here after the commotion I caused, they were trying to separate me and him.

"What do you mean! I didn't cheat on Jungkook!" He exclaimed, while fixing his suit, I crossed my arms, "He heard your conversation with the CEO of Hwarang company. Him, Hiro hyung and Zero Hyung were there to plant cameras since they were rumored to be doing human trafficking" I said. He looked at me in disbelief, "I can explain that conversation." he said. We walked towards the couches and sat down.


Taehyung pov

I was in a meeting with the Hwarang CEO, she had something to tell me, I thought it was something about our partnership or collaborations. When I arrived she seated me, "Nice to see you again Taehyung, how have you been?" She asked me, I nodded my head, "I'm good, now what is this sudden meeting?" I asked her.

Today, I was supposed to pick out a wedding ring today for Jungkook, but instead of that i'm here with this bitch. "Oh I have great news! You know how you always wanted to be a father?" She asked me, I nodded at her confused, yeah i have always wanted a child of my own, but only with the one that I love.

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