Chapter 11

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A/n: Mellow, I am struggling in school, so if I suddenly disappeared I am having a mental break down because of school. But I will still type the story so don't worry.


After 3 hours, a doctor came out, I ran towards him, "How is he!?" I yelled. He looked at me and sighed, "Well...." 

No one pov

"Well, he is alright, but he did lose a lot of blood. He will wake up in about 3 hours. I will show you to his room." the doctor said, directing them to the top floor, which was a VIP area for the Wolves leaders. The doctor let them in, they all ran towards the bed. Taehyung held Jungkook's hand, "Well, Mr. Jeon will wake up in three hours tops. You guys can stay here until then." The doctor said.

"Thank you, Doctor..." Jin said the doctor left, no one spoke a word, after 30 minutes had passed, the Jeon siblings came in. "How is he?" Hiro asked the group, Namjoon spoke up, "He is alright, the doctor said he would wake up in three hours." 

The siblings sighed in relief, "Alright, looks like we can't wait anymore. We already snuff out the Crimson's hideout. We are just waiting for you guys. Taigi will stay here with Jungkook since he is mostly not in the front lines." Jun said. BTS nodded their heads, "Alright, then let's get this over with. They hurt my lover and I'm not waiting anymore." Taehyung said. 

Everyone understood him, they hurt their precious maknae, no one was going to be saved now. "Let's get going then. Taigi hyung don't leave Jungkook's side." Mary said walking out of the room. Everyone else followed her, besides Taehyung and Taigi, "Don't worry he will be fine. Now go Taehyung." Taigi said, Taehyung smiled at him and kissed Jungkook before leaving.

The others were in White Wolves HQ, BTS was very amazed by how the structure was. Everything was so high tech, every worker was wearing a mask, even the siblings. They actually forced BTS to wear them as well, "Why do we wear a mask? Woah what's going on with my voice?" Jimin

"We Wolves don't reveal our faces and that mask you wear has a voice disorientation device so that no one can recognize your voices" Zero explained. They got into the elevator, the ride up was just to get into place at the very top to make an announcement.

Once they reached the top, Junhyun sounded the blue alarm, every operative in seoul was notified. Then a video feed showed up, "Hello Wolf operatives, One of our own was shot countless times and even stabbed. That member was one of your leaders, Agent 001. Or some of you call him JK." Junhyun announced. Every operative gasped, because Jungkook would never come back from a mission scratched.

"Right now he is in the hospital recovering, the ones responsible for this were the Crimsons. Tonight we are going to exterminate them, so get prepared and get to your stations!" Junhyun commanded. "Yes My Lord!" Every operative said, with that everyone ran to get weapons and stations.

Junhyun and the others turned towards BTS, "You guys will be with us as second in command. You guys can just pick who you will be with depending on your strengths." Mary explained, while getting her sniper ready. 

J-hope went with Hiro since both were infiltrators, Jimin went with Mary as they were snipers, Zero and Suga were the hackers, Jin went with Jun for close range combat, Namjoon with Misaki for long range combat and Taehyung with Junhyun for leading the assault. 

After getting ready, the units were going in place, they basically picked the colors of the rainbow or somewhat the rainbow. "All units in position?" Junhyun asked, everyone answered with a yes, so they moved out. Team Red which was J-hope and Hiro unit threw smoke bombs and knocked out the windows/doors. Teams, Green, Black, Blue, and Pink ran in fighting the Crimsons.

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