Chapter 7

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Taehyung pov

I was in class, learning about whatever, but to be honest I wasn't paying attention to what the teacher was saying. "Alright class, we are going to do group projects, now I have already assigned your groups." The teacher said, making everyone groan in frustration. Every girl was praying to be with me, while me, Suga, J-hope, and RM were just minding their own business.

 "Okay, the first group is Taehyung, Yoongi, Hoseok, and Namjoon. You guys will be doing the Silla kingdom." The teacher said, all the girls were disappointed that they weren't in the same group as me.

The day went on and it was a good day, until this happened, "Hey guys hold on I need to get something from my locker." I said, while opening my locker. When I opened it, a lot of letters fell out, now I thought it was love letters from the girls, but when I picked it up

"Stay away from Him"

"He is Mine"

"I won't give him up"

"He saved my life"

"I don't care if he is gay, I can make him straight"

"You should have died"

"What the hell is this!" I yelled, making everyone turn towards me. "What the fuck is wrong V?" Suga asked me. He saw all the letters that dropped, and picked up to read some. Some or most of them were written in blood, "What the fuck?" He said. I was pissed off now, not only did I receive death threats, the letters were talking about my lover.

I turned to Suga, "Find out who this is, Got it!" I yelled and stormed off heading towards my bike. I needed to see Jungkook, I needed to know if he was okay. After speeding to the hospital, I went to Jungkooks room, but before I opened the doorI heard laughing. I heard Jungkook and a girl's voice, that wasn't Mary.

I knocked on the door and opened it, when I did I was met with Jungkook and a girl. "Oh hyung you are here!" Jungkook said excitedly, trying to go hug me, but was stopped by me and the girl. "Baby, don't stand up." I said, going towards Jungkook sitting on his bed.  

"So baby, who is this?" I asked him, Jungkook chuckled a little, "This is Lee Ji-eun or IU. IU noona this is Taehyung, my hyung." Jungkook said introducing us to each other. "Hi nice to meet you Taehyung." she said, holding out her hand, which I hesitantly shaked, "Likewise noona." I didn't know why, but I did not like her one bit. 

No One pov

After a while Taigi came in, "Hello there, Jungkookie good news, you get to go home now." He said which excited the younger. He didn't want to be mean, but he really hates the hospital, because it was boring.

"So do you want to go home with me or do you want to stay with Taehyung for a couple of days?" Taigi asked, since he knows his little brother wants to stay with Taehyung for a few days. "I want to stay with Taetae hyung!" the younger exclaimed smiling happily.

The others smiled, well the two boys did, not IU though, she gritted her teeth. "I should get going now Kookie, see you tomorrow at school." She said, giving Jungkook a hug. "Alright, bye noona." He said waving goodbye to her. "Alright let me get this IV off you and you can go change your clothes, then Taehyung can take you. Don't worry about the papers, I already took care of it." Taigi said, removing the IV line.

He then left the two alone, "Here let me help you baby." Taehyung said, going to the closet to get his clothes. "Um baby, why is there only girl clothes?" he asked the younger who chuckled, "Because it's comfy to me." He walked over to Taehyung and grabbed some clean clothes before going to the restroom to change.

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