Chapter 14

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(still the same day, Just the other couple, which is Namjin and RenHope)

Jin Pov

I drove us down to a new shopping center that has good restaurants and cafes, plus some good bookstores as well. "Princess, why are we here?" Namjoon asked, I chuckled and grabbed his hand. I pulled him into a bookstore since I know he is a bookworm."Pick out a book and I will buy it." i said to him, as we browsed around the shop.

"Baby, you know you don't have to do that right?" he said, but I shook my head, "Nope, I'm doing it, now go," I said shooing him away. He picked out two books, he looked so happy, about his choices. "Thanks, baby," he said to me while kissing my head and his arm around my waist. I blushed and paid the cashier, "Let's go, I'm hungry." I said as we walked out of the store.

We went to a cute vintage cafe to eat something, we sat down and a waitress came to get our order, "Hello, my name is Y/n, I will be your waitress for today. May I start with your drinks?" she asked us while handing us menus. We looked through it, "I will have a caramel macchiato and Neapolitan, what about you Joonie?" I asked him, giving my menu to the waitress.

"I will have a coffee with two sugars, one cream, and a hamburg steak." he said, giving her the menu, "Alright I will be back with your orders. By the way, you two look cute together!" She said while walking away. I blushed and looked down, I felt Joonie take my hand, "She isn't wrong princess." he said while kissing my hand. I smiled at him, "Yeah she isn't." I said. We both talked and laughed until our food came.

"Here you go! Enjoy." she said and left, we ate our food, "Hey baby, let's go somewhere after this." I said. He nodded his head, we bottoms basically asked Jungkook to ask his agents to help set up our dates. I just hope they didn't mess it up, if they did someone is about to die. 

After we ate, we paid and left for our next destination, it was near the seaside on the beach. After we got there and parked I told Namjoon to close his eyes and not to open it unless he wanted me to burn his music book. He shut his eyes, I took his hand and guided him to the place. I looked at it and it was perfect, I'm pleased with it.

"Okay open your eyes," I said, I looked at him and he seemed pleased because he grabbed me and kissed me

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"Okay open your eyes," I said, I looked at him and he seemed pleased because he grabbed me and kissed me. "This is a beautiful princess," he said, we both went to sit down on the blanket. I grabbed the champagne glasses and the champagne, "Here you go." I said give him a glass and pour some champagne.

We cheered and cuddled up enjoying the waves and peaceful scenery. "Hey princess, do you think in the future we can have a family?" he asked me, I hummed, "Yeah, I would love that honestly," I said. 

Namjoon Pov

I held onto Jin tightly, sipping the last of the champagne, I wanted to propose to him but for now I just have to wait. Knowing life right now, it's not the right time yet. "Hey babe, wait here." he said as he got up and went somewhere, I was curious, but complied with his wishes.

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