Chapter 6

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Jungkook Pov

It was dark, I was sitting in this dark place with nowhere to go. "Jungkookie, you know where to go my little boy." I heard my mom's voice. "Mom?" I shouted out hoping to see her. "She's right son, you can't die now. You have many people waiting for you." I then heard my dad's voice.

I was definitely crying now because they were right in front of me. I ran and hugged them, "I miss you guys so much. Mary noona and the other hyungs miss you too." I cried not wanting to let them go.

"Son we miss you guys too, but it's time to wake up okay?" My mom said while pulling me away from them. "Wait, before I do that, where did the one that killed you guys go?" I asked them hoping they would answer my question. They smiled and were fading away, no I need to know and to tell them.

"Mom, dad I love you!" I yelled to them, they smiled and yelled back, "We love you too son, now go on and live your life!" my mom yelled, "Yeah, also he is in Korea right now." my dad told me before completely fading away. Then a very bright light shined engulfing me in it.

I slowly opened my eyes, which was hard because of the very bright light. When I opened my eyes fully, I looked around and saw my hyungs and Taehyung there sleeping. I then heard a door open, I looked there and saw Taigi hyung with a clipboard. 

When he spotted me, he ran towards me hugging me with tears in his eyes. "Thank god, Jungkookie...I was so worried." He said crying, I hugged him back and patted his back, "Hyungie, I saw them" I said. We broke the hug and he wiped his tears away looking at me, "What do you mean by them?" he asked me. 

"Them as in our parents hyung," I said, tearing up a little, he was shocked to hear this and started to cry again. I hugged him again, "I know hyung, they told me that they love us and something that I need to tell you and the others." I said to him patting his back. We then heard a groan, we looked at the source and saw that Taetae hyung was moving a little. 

"Hey hyung let's play a prank," I whispered in his ears and explained the prank to him. He nodded letting me lay down and pretend to be asleep. I tried my best to not laugh, but it was too hard.

No One pov

Taehyung woke up to see Taigi checking Jungkook's IV and how he was doing, "Oh did I wake you up?" Taigi asked Taehyung, "Huh, oh no hyung you didn't." he said smiling a little. He looked at Jungkook caressing his face, it's been three weeks since Jungkook has been in a coma which scared everyone because the predicted date was for 2 weeks or earlier. That's why everyone was really scared because they thought that they would lose him.

Taehyung has been by his side since then, after school he would always come here and be by Jungkook's side in case he woke up. He practically works there as well, since Namjoon comes in and hands him paperwork.

Taehyung's father also comes in and checks up on both of them. He wanted to repay Jungkook for saving his life and talk to Taehyung about combining companies. Taehyung will soon be the new CEO of the Kim Corp and model agency.

"Well, let's wake up everyone so you guys can eat breakfast and wash up." Taigi said walking towards the others up. After waking them up, they all started to wash up and head down to the cafeteria besides Taehyung. Taigi told him that he needs to stay here and watch Jungkook's status because he noticed something unusual. Taehyung was a little scared so he agreed to stay behind. 

He gently grabbed Jungkook's hand and held it up to his face, "Please be okay Jungkook" he said, trembling a bit. Then Jungkook flinched a little making Taehyung look up, "Jungkook!?" he exclaimed. 

Jungkook opened his eyes and sat up, he looked around the room, until his eyes landed on Taehyung, "Who are you?" he asked him. Taehyung felt like his life was crashing right now, "B-baby, i-it's me. Taehyung..." he said crying.

"I don't know a Kim Taehyung, well I mean I do know some, but not you." Jungkook said coldly, pulling his hand away from Taehyung grasp. "Baby, please I know you might not remember me but please don't push me away" Taehyung exclaimed while hugging the younger tightly crying.

Now taehyung knows how Jungkook felt when he didn't remember him. It hurts so much, taehyung didn't know how hard he fell for Jungkook until now. He fell for him so much that he would die for him.

Jungkook chuckled and hugged him back, "It's okay taetae, I'm sorry...I just wanted to play a prank on you, please don't cry" Taehyung Pulled away from the hug and kissed Jungkook who gladly kissed back. "Baby, never do that again I was so scared." Taehyung said, pulling away from the kiss, still hugging him tightly.

Jungkook chuckled then asked "Taetae hyung, how long have I been asleep?" he asked, pulling away from his lover's embrace. "For 3 weeks Kookie, we were so worried because they said it would only take 2 weeks or earlier." Taehyung said, shocking the younger.

"Wait have you been here the whole time?!" Jungkook exclaimed worried that the latter was there the whole time. Taehyung chuckled at him, "I was here the whole time Kookie." he said, kissing the younger's head. 

"Wha, Tae why did you do that?" Jungkook asked, pouting at him, making Taehyung coo at him. "Well I wanted to be here when you wake up and to tell you something." Taehyung said leaning closer to Jungkook until he was close to his ear, "I remember everything babe"

To say that Jungkook was shocked is an understatement, he was so happy that Taehyung had remembered everything that he started to cry. "Hey hey, baby you don't need to cry. I'm here now, my little bunny." Taehyung said comforting the younger. "H-how can I, you remember everything and,and I wasn't there to help you." Jungkook said, still crying into Taehyung's shirt.

"You did help me babe." Taehyung said, hugging the younger, patting his back. Jungkook looked up at him, "H-how?" he was confused as to how he helped him remember everything. Taehyung smirked, "Like this." he said leaning in before pulling Jungkook into a passionate kiss. "Mmh" Jungkook whimpered a bit puting is arms around the latter.

Taehyung then bit Jungkook lip asking for entrance which he kindly declined, so he slid his hand towards Jungkook's butt and groped it a little. This made Jungkook gasp a little, making Taehyung have the opportunity to slip his tongue in. They both fought for dominance, but Taehyung won instantly, "Mgn." Jungkooks whimpers and soft moans made Taehyung go crazy, but he controlled himself since Jungkook just woke up. 

They both parted needing to breath, both were a panting mess. Taehyung then got on top of Jungkook and kissed him again, pecking all over his face. "I love you Jungkook" he said cuddling him, Jungkook snuggled in his chest, "I love you to Taehyung." he said before drifting off to sleep. Both Taehyung and Jungkook had drifted off to sleep not knowing that someone was watching them.

"Just you wait Jungkook, you will be mine." the figure said gritting her teeth and leaving the place. After a while the others came back to see Vkook sleeping together on the bed.

"Aww, they look so cute together." Jimin said fanboying over the couple with Jin. "Mind keeping it down please." Taehyung groaned out before looking at them. "Sorry prince charming, we didn't mean to wake you up." Yoongi said, setting down the food they brought for the couple.

Taigi had told them that Jungkook was awake now, so they went all out on the food to celebrate the boy's awakening. "Looks like sleeping beauty is still asleep hmm?" Jin said, petting the boy's head, smiling at him. Taehyung chuckled and kissed Jungkook who woke up rubbing his eyes cutely, while pouting, "Aww" everyone cooed at him.

"Morning sleeping beauty, time to eat sweetheart." Taehyung said, helping him sit up. "Hyungs!" Jungkook yelled after comprehending what was happening right now. The others smiled and chuckled at the younger, while Jin put a plate of food in front of him.

"Here eat up Sweetheart, your brothers and sisters will come by later. Me and these idiots need to go to class." Jin said, while putting on his backpack, along with the others.

Taehyung walked up to Jungkook and kissed the top of his head, "See you later pup, rest up okay." he said waving goodbye to him. Jungkook waved goodbye to them, "I will hyung. Be Careful and please, don't get amnesia again." Taehyung chuckled and nodded.

Jungkook laid down smiling, happy that he has Taehyung back and thinking that everything is finally over, no more troubles or no more heartbreaks. Oh how wrong he was, it was only the beginning. 

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