Chapter 1: A chance encounter.

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It was just another ordinary day at work for Isaac until he got a message from his brother to come to his office.

Hey little brother how's your day going?

Pretty much the same as every other day Jordan, what can I do for you?

I managed to convince my boss to send you on a little business trip to L.A., isn't that exciting?

Isaac fakes some enthusiasm because he knows that his brother worked very hard to get him this job that he in truthfully doesn't enjoy.

Yeah, that's great... I've never been to the west coast before. But why are you sending me?

It's for a special course that focusses on market analysis. I convinced my boss that you would be perfect for it. Think of it as an investment so you're prepared for when you eventually get promoted here in the company.

Jordan, I know you mean well but I already told you that I don't want any special treatment just because I'm your brother.

I know Isaac, but it'll be good for your career and you'll thank me later.

Having had similar conversations with him in the past Isaac knows his brother won't back down so he just decides to go along with it.

Fine, when do I leave?

Monday, I just sent you an e-mail with all the details and the schedule.

Alright, I'll go over it. Anything else?

Not really, you can go home early since you have some planning and packing to do.

Great, see you when I get back.

After an uneventful flight Isaac arrives in L.A. and checks into the hotel.

He unpacks, changes his clothes and leaves for his first day of the course.

Later that evening Isaac returns to his hotel room and jumps into the shower. As he is drying himself off, he notices that there's quite a bit of noise coming from the room next to his. But after a long day and some jet lag he decides to call it an early night and crawls into bed.

He spends the next hour trying to fall asleep but with the noise coming from the other room he decides to go and have a drink in the bar downstairs.

As Isaac goes into the hallway he notices a man in a suit leaving the room next to his and two women arguing about something. Isaac can't help but indirectly make a bit of a passive aggressive comment towards them about the noise before he goes downstairs.

He sits down at the bar and after ordering himself a drink, Isaac let's out a sigh and shakes his head a bit.

The bartender notices.

Rough day?

A bit, I flew in from New York today and had to spend several hours in a course about market analysis.

I hate to laugh at your misfortune but that does indeed sound like rough day.

I still have 3 more days to go... I thought I would get an early night with the jetlag, but they were being pretty loud in the room next to mine so that wasn't an option.

I can go get the manager if you want to complain about that.

No that's alright. I thought I would come get a drink to wait it out, maybe later if it doesnt stop.

Shortly after Isaac finishes his sentence he gets tapped on the shoulder.

He turns around and looks the person up and down. It doesn't take him long to realize that it's world famous actress Liara Mcdeeny, safe to say that his jaw drops to the floor.

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