Chapter 10: This is harder than I thought...

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Chapter 10: This is harder than I thought...

The next day it's time for Isaac to go back to New York and they're saying goodbye at the airport.

My audition is in two days so I'll know what my schedule will look like after that.

I wish I could be there.

Liara stands on her tippy toes and giggles.

I can handle it, I'm a big girl... in spirit anyway.

I know I just want to see the smile on your face when you get the part.

Liara kisses Isaac.

Thanks for believing in me.

Isaac looks over Liara's shoulder and sees paparazzi in the distance taking pictures.

A public display of affection... not afraid of what the tabloids are going to write?

Liara rolls her eyes and shrugs.

It's not like I can do anything to stop them. Besides I'm not going to be able to see you for a while so that's the last thing on my mind right now.

Yeah... I'm not looking forward to being apart either but we'll figure everything out after the audition.

Over the intercom: "flight to New York now boarding."

Liara gives Isaac a sad look.

I'm going to miss you...

It's going to be ok. We'll see each other soon and you'll have Gina to keep you company so you won't be alone.

Aren't you supposed to be cheering me up?

Isaac laughs.

I'll text you as soon as I land.

Liara gives Isaac a longer kiss.

You better.

Two days later Liara and Gina arrive at the audition.

How are you feeling? Nervous?

Liara shrugs.

A bit. I've prepared well so I should be fine. Do I look nervous?

No. pretty much the opposite, you're usually bouncing around in your seat by now.

Oh, I was doing that this morning but the Isaac sent me a voice message and I don't know if he's psychic but he knew exactly what to say and it pretty much calmed me down instantly.

Gina raises her eyebrows.

Seems like he knows you well considering you've only been dating for a little over a month.

Before Liara can answer a woman walks in to the room.

Miss Mcdeeny they're ready for you, would you please follow me?

Of course!

Liara enters the room.

Hello everybody!

The director and writer Fenton jumps up very enthusiastically.

Liara, so nice to meet you!

Nice to meet you as well mister Barangino!

Please call me Fenton.

Ok, I didn't want to be rude.

Nonsense. You better get used to it, we're going to be working together after all.

Liara is a bit shocked by Fenton's statement but before she can say anything a woman in the corner of the room interrupts them.

Not so fast Fenton! She has to audition like everybody else.

Fenton lets out a sigh.

I know. Liara the grumpy lady in the corner there is Michelle. She's my co-producer.

Nice to meet you Michelle!

Fenton has trouble to contain his excitement so he interjects again.

Now that introductions are out of the way I have to confess something to you Liara. I wrote this character with you in mind, that's why I'm so excited that you came to audition.

Liara is blown away that a director of his stature would do this specifically for her.

I was honored that you even considered me in the first place, I don't know what to say...

Don't worry, that's why I wrote the script.

In the corner Michelle I shaking her head.

Dealing with Fenton's humor is part of the job Liara, just giving you a heads up.

Very funny Michelle! But to be serious for a moment, I was thinking we could go through a couple of scenes.

Sounds good!

Meanwhile in New York Isaac has been a nervous wreck all day because he hasn't heard anything from Liara. Later that evening he gets a message from her that simply says "are you free to skype?"

Isaac skypes her immediately.

So... how did it go?

Liara doesn't answer and simply looks at him with a frown on her face. At first Isaac feels bad for her but he sees that Liara is covering up her mouth to hide a faint smile and he can't help but feel like something isn't right.

Wait a minute... are you doing that thing that Joey did in friends where you act like you didn't get the part but you actually did get it?

Liara immediately starts laughing.

Yeah, I was trying to mess with you but I'm way to excited to hide it.

Are you sure you're an actress?

Ha-ha very funny...

Seriously, I'm proud of you.

Liara blushes.


Come on tell me about it.

Me and the director got along really well and he even told me that he wrote the character with me in mind.

That's amazing!

I was blown away that he did that for me of all people...

I'm not. I've been telling you how talented you are and now even more people are going to see that.

I have some bad news though.

Now I'm getting nervous...

We're going to be filming in Texas in about three weeks.

That's soon, any idea for how long?

If everything goes to plan it should be a month.

That's a pretty long time...

I know... I feel a bit sick to my stomach when I think about it.

It's going to be ok. We love each other too much to let a bit of distance bother us, right?

You're right, we'll figure it out.

I guess that means we're going to have to figure out a different way to "connect".

Are you saying that we're going to be having phone sex?

Isaac is caught completely off guard and doesn't know what to say.

Uh... I'm not sure...

Liara bursts out laughing.

You should see your face!

Isaac lets out a sigh of relief.

I guess I deserve that for teasing you all the time.

And since we're going to be apart for a whole month, I want every minute I can get with you. So, I was thinking about flying to New York tomorrow if that's ok with you?

Of course, but I have to work during the day though.

I know but I need to study the script anyway so I won't be bored during the day.

Great then I guess I'll see you tomorrow.

Yup! Love you!

Love you too!

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