Chapter 4: just the two of us.

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Chapter 4: just the two of us.

Isaac comes home after doing some last-minute errands for their upcoming vacation and finds Liara in the kitchen with dinner ready.

Wow, look at that! Did you win a season of MasterChef when I was out?

Liara raises one of her eyebrows and looks at Isaac very confidently.

It's one of my many hidden talents.

Of course, she couldn't keep a straight face.

... it's take out.

Nice try, you're a great actress but there's no way I was going to believe that.

Liara sticks out her tongue.

The sooner we start eating the sooner we can pick our destination so stop teasing me.

After dinner they're narrowing down their destination when all of a sudden Liara gets as close to Isaac as she can and looks at him with puppy dog eyes.

There's a flight to Hawaii tomorrow... what do you think?

Im ok with anything as long as we're together.

Liara puts her phone down on the table, jumps on Isaac's lap and starts kissing him playfully. After a while Liara just embraces Isaac and lays her head on top of his shoulder.

Isaac smiles and teases her a bit.

As much as I would love to cuddle with you until the end of time, if you want to leave tomorrow we're going to have to start packing.

Having burrowed her face against Isaac's neck Liara's reply is slightly muffled.

Just a bit longer.

The next day they arrive at the airport and check in.

Do you want to get a coffee while we wait?

Sure, sounds good.

Ok you go take a seat.

After a bit Isaac returns with the drinks.

There you go.


We got lucky that there's a flight to Hawaii so quickly.

Before Liara could answer two young girls walk up to her and ask for a picture. Isaac helps with the pictures and they sit back down.

That was new...

It happens all the time, it's just the first time you were there to see it.

At least they were nice.

Most of the time they are. It's the best part of my fame but at the same time it can be the "ugliest".

What do you mean?

I visited a children's hospital once as my character princess Cassidy with full make-up and outfit, it was like I jumped straight out of the movies. Seeing the kids' faces light up when they saw me was awesome, one of the most beautiful days of my life. But at times the fame also eats away at my privacy and freedom so it can be painful if I have to say no after twenty minutes of selfies because I want to be there for everybody. But that's not realistic and seeing the disappointment on their faces hurts.

Isaac can tell that it bothers her and holds her hand.

I can say no for you if you want. That way I'm the bad guy, the "bringer of darkness" if you will.

Liara almost chokes on her drink because she can't contain her laughter.

That's the first time you made a movie reference to me...

I grew up watching you in the New Elements movies.

Liara is shocked because up until this point Isaac had barely mentioned her career.

I didn't know you were actually a fan, I just thought you saw one of the movies and knew who I was.

You were so burned out that I decided to not bring it up but I saw the every movie in the franchise in theaters on opening night.

I had no idea... you should be an actor instead of me!

There's no way I could handle that pressure, looks like it's time to go board.

They arrive at their seats on the plane and Isaac realizes that their sitting in first class.

That's a first for me...

What do you mean?

Ive never flown first class before...

You'll love it! And just wait until you see the cabin I booked, it looked amazing!

The word "cabin" makes Isaac worry a bit but he tries not to show it. It seems like growing up the way she did that Liara has a different way of handling money and didn't take Isaac's monetary situation into account.

I know you have the best of intentions but flying first class and renting a cabin sounds expensive. I don't want to feel like I'm taking advantage off of you so I want to pay my half, but now I'm not sure if I can afford it...

The panic is pretty clear on Liara's face as she didn't even consider what Isaac just told her.

Oh no! I just booked without thinking, I'm so sorry!

I'm not angry or anything. I know you didn't do it on purpose but now I feel like I'm taking advantage of you and that feels pretty bad.

Liara gets a little emotional.

This is not how I wanted things to go...

Calm down, we're not going to let this ruin our time together. We just need to find a way to solve this problem and move on.

You're right... oh, how about you pay for the flight and I'll pay for the cabin. Would that be ok?

It makes me feel like less of a financial parasite so I'm ok with it if you are.

Liara lets out a big sigh of relief.

Thank god, I feel terrible.

Isaac puts his hand on Liara's cheek.

It was an honest mistake. Things like that are going to happen from time to time while we're still adjusting to each other. The only thing that matters is that we communicate better to prevent things like this in the future.

Liara kisses Isaac.

Thanks for making me feel better. I care more about sharing experiences with you so I never want money to become a problem.

I understand but don't go too crazy , I enjoy sitting on the couch with you just as much as anything else in the world.

ok, I will.

They plane takes off and the rest of the flight is uneventful.

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