Chapter 8: Home

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Chapter 8: Home

They get dropped off at Liara's apartment in downtown L.A. and spend the night. Early the next morning they set of for her parent's house just outside of Portland Oregon.

After several hours of driving Liara takes a dirt road and a few minutes later they arrive at a beautiful lodge in the woods with a view over a lake.

As they get out of the car, they're greeted by Liara's parents.

Liara runs over to her parents and hugs them while Isaac takes their bags out of the car. Liara's dad is very tall with light gray hair, the George Clooney type but with a more outdoors look about him. While her mother looks like the older version of Liara but with dark hair and a bit more reserved clothing style.

Isaac meet my parents, David and Cass.

With a little fear noticeable in his voice Isaac manages to finally speak up.

Nice to meet you, your home is beautiful!

Liara's father David grabs one of the bags.

Let me show you to your room.

Liara grabs her mother's hand.

I'm going to the kitchen with mom I'll see you in a bit.

Isaac and David make their way to where Liara's room used to be.

Looks like she left you to the wolves.

She tends to run off when she gets excited but she promised me that I have nothing to fear.

Don't worry my wife and Liara have been talking and from what she told me you're a good guy so you're safe. But I own a hunting rifle, just so you know.

Isaac laughs a bit nervously.

Yeah, she told me about that... with the beautiful nature here in Oregon it would be a crime to not take advantage of that.

David pats Isaac on the shoulder.

I'm just messing with you, truth be told I've never fired that gun. I doubt it even works anymore, it's an antique. It was a gift from my father and he got it from my grandfather. The only thing I've ever brought home is fish.

That's nice, I've never been fishing before.

Really? Well how about we take the girls out on a hike and go see if anything bites, I know a great fishing spot.

That's a great idea, I would love that!

Meanwhile in the kitchen Liara hugs her mom again.

It's so good to be home.

I missed you too honey. Now... tell me about your man!

He's 25, lives in New York and he works for and investment firm.

I love how big the smile on your face is when you tale about him, you must like him a lot.

I do, I really do. He's so sweet and he really cares about me.

Good looking too.


All I'm saying is that you have good taste honey.

I'm being serious mom. I've never met anybody who treats me like he does and I've never felt this strongly about somebody before.

Sounds like love to me.

Liara's starts blushing.

Actually... he said it first.

No way! I'm so happy for you!

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