Chapter 13: Changes.

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Chapter 13: Changes.

At the end of the week Liara goes home to Oregon to recover from her injury while Isaac goes back to work in New York. They talk daily and Isaac is still struggling with the decision whether he's going to leave his job to be with Liara fulltime or not. He feels that it would be best to talk about it with his mother so he decides to go see her after work.

Isaac rings the doorbell.

What a nice surprise!

Good to see you mom.

How is your princess doing?

A bit better every day.

That's good to hear! Come in.

They take a seat on the couch in the living room.

So how has work been?

That's actually why I came to see you...

Has Jordan been up to no good again?

No, he's actually been great since Liara's accident.

Valery can see it on Isaac's face that he's struggling with something.

You're having a tough time being separated from her aren't you?

Is it that obvious?

It's a mother's intuition Isaac. You miss her a lot, don't you?

I do. And that's a big part of what I've been struggling with but that's not the only thing.

That's understandable, what else is bothering you?

As you probably expected... the office life isn't for me. So, because of my work situation and our separation Liara thought it would be a good idea for me to become her manager.

That's a big change, what do you think about it?

The job sounds exciting and being able to spend time with her on a consistent basis is exactly what I want. But I'm dreading telling Jordan about it because he really put in a lot of effort to get me that job.

He would get over it.

I just don't want to hurt him. He acts tough but deep down he's pretty emotional.

He would never admit that but you're right. I think it's because you two grew up without a father figure that he adopted a strong persona to fill that hole a bit for you.

That's why this is so hard, what do you think I should do?

I think that there's always going to be an office job available somewhere. But an opportunity like this to start a life with a woman who loves you as much as she does is a once in a lifetime chance. So I think that you owe it to yourself to be selfish this time.

You're right, but I hate being selfish...

I know, it's not in your nature. But it's the right thing to do.

Isaac gives his mom a hug.

I love you mom.

I just want you to be happy. So tomorrow you go and talk to your brother and then you go get your girl.

One of these days you're going to have to tell me how I can repay you for being such a good mother all these years.

One word... grandkids.

Slow down mom...

Valery bursts out laughing.

The look on you face is good enough for now.

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