Chapter 7: the city of angels

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Chapter 7: the city of angels

The next morning Isaac wakes up and Liara is staring at him with a huge smile on her face.

Good morning!

Isaac gives her a kiss and joins her at the table.

You're in a good mood.

After last night, how could I not be? It was perfect... you were great by the way. Im not looking forward to L.A. though...

I know but it's going to be fine. We're just going to pass through as quickly as possible, nobody will even know we were there.

I hope you're right but I doubt it.

Several hours later they arrive in L.A., leave the airport through a side exit and go straight to the office of Liara's agent.

As their uber goes around the corner they see that there's a bunch of paparazzi waiting outside of the office, when they get out of the car it's complete chaos.

They force themselves through and make it inside the building with their bags. Isaac is clearly disturbed by what just took place.

That was crazy!

It's pretty much always like that in L.A. I guess we'll have to use the backdoor when we leave.

They take the elevator up and when they get off at Gina's floor and are greeted by the receptionist.

Welcome back miss Mcdeeny!

Hello Emma. Is it ok if we leave our bags with you while we go see Gina and could you organize a ride for us at the back door?

Of course, I'll take care of everything!

Thank you!

They enter the office and are greeted by Gina who is still glued to her computer and barely looks up, Liara is visibly annoyed.

There you are my darling! How was your vacation?

Short... but we're going to visit my parents after our we are done here.

Gina looks up from her computer and notices Isaac.

I'm so sorry! Nice to meet you, I'm Gina.

Likewise, I'm Isaac.

It takes a couple of seconds for Gina to put things together.

Wait... are you two dating?!

Liara nods.

For about a month now.

How public do you want your relationship to be?

Isaac points at the window.

I'm pretty sure that's out of our control now.

I'm sorry about that but there isn't much I can do, they have the bad habit to show up exactly where you don't want them to.

It's not your fault, let's just ignore them. They can speculate all they want, I'm not giving them anything.

I have to ask. Isaac, are you ready to deal with that part of her life?

Isaac holds Liara's hand.

I have no idea if I am. But to me it's simple, I love Liara and that's part of her life so I'm going to help her however I can.

Gina nods.

That's a pretty good answer, looks like you finally found a good one.

Liara smiles at Isaac.

Yeah, I think I'm going to keep him.

Gina picks up a small briefcase and hands it to Liara.

I know you don't want to talk business yet so all I'm going to ask is that you take these scripts with you. Read them and after you're done just let me know what you think.

Liara rolls her eyes.

There are two big name directors in there...

Fine, I'll read them. But I'm not making any promises.

That's all I ask.

If that's it then I guess we'll be going.

It was great to see you again darling, don't forget to give my best to your parents.

I will, until next time!

Isaac could you do something for me?


Take good care of my favorite girl.

Don't worry, she's safe with me.

When they leave the office the receptionist is already waiting for them.

Miss Mcdeeny here are your bags and I have a car waiting for you at the back exit.

Thanks Emma, you're the best!

They get in the elevator and Isaac starts laughing.

What's gotten into you all of a sudden?

I was just thinking about how Gina has no idea that it was me who you ran away with the night we first met.

Oh yeah, I never told her that I snuck out of bed to go apologize to you. Gina is great but she can be... a lot. I just had to escape my jailor.

Well, I'm glad you did.

Skipping my curfew turned out pretty great. So, are you ready to go and meet my parents?

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