Chapter 23: Family fun time

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A month later. Isaac and Liara arrive at the wedding location late on Thursday. As they're unloading their luggage Gina comes out to greet them.

There's the happy couple!

Hey Gina, how is everything going?

So far so good. The cook and her staff arrived early and already prepared a bunch of stuff so they're earning themselves a nice bonus. The band and the servers for Sunday have also confirmed.

Nice! You can relax you know, you're part of the family too after all.

Thanks. I've prepared the guest house for Krista and Isaac's sisters since they're part of the bride's side of the preparations.

That's perfect.

Meanwhile Isaac returns from parking the car.

Where do I take our bags?

The master bedroom is up the stairs and to the left.

Then we're going to unpack, see you tomorrow.

After putting their stuff away Liara and Isaac lay down on the bed.

I can't believe that in two days you're going to be my wife.

It feels like it was just yesterday when I tapped on your shoulder in that hotel bar and blew your mind.

Isaac laughs and cuddles up next to her.

That's an understatement.

They both shut their eyes but after a couple seconds Liara breaks the silence.

Are you nervous...?

Not at all, in my dreams we have been married for years. Are you?

A bit, the good kind of nervous you know? Excitement mixed with anticipation but mostly lack of patience.

I get that. First, we have two days to have fun with the people we care about most so let's just enjoy ourselves.

You're right, this weekend is going to so much fun.

Now that you mention it... I'm kind of nervous about my parent's "reunion" after everything that happened.

Your mom doesn't seem like the type of person that would make a scene.

True, maybe it would be best if I try to talk with them together to try and bury the hatchet.

That's probably a good idea.

The next morning they're halfway through their breakfast when Liara's parents arrive.

Cass walks into the kitchen.

Are you two as excited as I am?!

Sure are! Where's dad?

He's getting everything out of the car.

I'll go give him a hand.

Isaac goes outside to help David.

Need a hand?

That would be nice!

They carry the luggage upstairs.

So... are you nervous?

Not really, I feel ready.

Good. Look, I know I'm not exactly the most talkative person but it makes me feel at ease knowing that my I'm leaving my daughter in the hands of a good man.

Thank you, it means a lot to hear you say that. Does that mean I get to call you dad now?

At first David doesn't know how to react but he quickly lets out a chuckle.

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