Chapter 9: Beneath the surface.

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Chapter 9: Beneath the surface.

Early the next morning they go on the hike. After walking through the forest for a while they arrive at a more secluded area of the lake. Liara and Cass start unpacking the picknick stuff for later while David and Isaac start getting the fishing gear ready. Since Isaac has never been fishing before he manages to almost entangle himself while wrestling with his fishing pole. Liara sees him struggling and starts giggling.

Dad, I don't think Isaac is doing it right.

David turns around and has to stop himself from laughing.

Do you need some help?

Isaac feels slightly embarrassed.

Yeah, I think that's going to be for the best... this is getting out of hand.

David helps Isaac escape the fishing pole.

There you go, you're free.

Sorry about that, I don't have any experience... at all.

David pats Isaac on the shoulder.

That's ok. Didn't your dad ever take you fishing?

Isaac lets out a sigh and looks down at the ground.

My dad left shortly after I was born.

David immediately regrets his remark.

I'm so sorry I shouldn't have brought it up.

Isaac tries to act tough but Liara can see that it bothers him.

It's ok David. You couldn't have known.

Liara gets up and holds Isaac's arm.

How come you never told me about that?

I wasn't trying to hide it or anything, you don't just casually bring something like that up... it's not exactly a pleasant topic.

Liara puts her hand on Isaac's cheek and gently forces him to make eye contact with her.

I understand but you have been so great at listening to all of my problems so please promise me that you'll allow me to do the same for you.

Isaac is touched by Liara's words and gives her a warm smile.

I know I'm not good at communicating when it comes to feelings. I promise that I'll try harder in the future.

David interrupts their tender moment.

I'm sorry that your father failed you. Despite that you turned out fine and that's all that matters in the end, right?

Isaac nods.

I suppose you're right.

Of course, I'm right! Now it's time that I teach you how to use a rod to catch fish instead of yourself.

As Isaac and David are gathering up the fishing gear Liara mouths "thank you" to her dad.

About an hour later Isaac returns holding several fishes and is beaming with pride.

Look what I've got!

Cass can't help but smile at Isaac's enthusiasm.

I wasn't aware my daughter was dating Aquaman!

David arrives shortly after and Cass opens the picnic basket revealing sandwiches, potato salad and some cupcakes.

Right on time for lunch boys.

Upon seeing all of the food her mother made Liara gets visibly excited.

Oh my god that looks so good mom! You must have gotten up so early to make all of this.

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