Chapter 28: and... action!

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After studying the script for two months Liara and Isaac arrive on set. Since it's the first day it's mostly introductions.

As soon as they enter the conference room they're greeted by Fenton.

There you are, come in! Bernardo, Fred I would like you to meet Liara!

As they're shaking hands Liara's heart is racing.

So nice to meet you, it's an honor to be working with you!

Fred is his cool and casual self.

No need to be so formal Liara.

Bernardo is a bit more reserved and has a calmer presence.

We asked Fenton to get you on board after what you showed in Vendetta last year, you were very impressive.

Thank you so much! But I still have a long way to go to reach your level.

Bernardo shakes his head.

Modesty is a good quality to have but you're the most promising young actress in the world and this film is going to confirm that.

Thank you for the confidence. Oh, I almost forgot... this is Isaac, my husband.

They shake hands and Fred looks Isaac up and down with one eyebrow raised.

Husband huh... that's a shame.

An awkward silence falls in the room until Fred starts laughing.

Relax, I'm just kidding. The baby bump gave it away.

Bernardo pats Isaac on the back.

Congrats, also for keeping this out of the media.

Fenton can't contain his excitement anymore.

Now that we have the pleasantries out of the way, how about we read through a couple scenes?

Having all worked with Fenton before they know that his patience is lacking when he gets excited so they decide not to tease him and sit down for a read through.

Later that evening Liara and Isaac are preparing for bed in their hotel room.

Bernardo and Fred were really nice guys, and so easy to work with. I'm even more excited now!

It was so surreal to shake their hand and have a casual conversation with them. Fred has to be the coolest man alive.

Do I sense a bit of a man crush?

Totally, I'm not even going to deny that. If you don't watch out, he might steal me away from you.

Liara laughs loudly.

Then I guess I'll have to go above and beyond or I'll end up as a single mother.

Isaac lays down next to her and puts his arm on her stomach.

No matter how dreamy he is, nothing will ever keep me away from you two.

Liara gives him a kiss, turns the light off and they fall asleep together.

The next day Liara is getting her hair and makeup done in preparation for her scene.

Congratulations on the baby by the way.


Boy or girl?

We want it to be a surprise so we don't know ourselves.

That's so exciting.

My body changing has been a challenge though. I've been the same weight my entire life and now everything just feels... different.

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