I Don't Understand

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I don’t understand

“Are you trying to push me away?” Stevie yelled as she spun round and stalked over to him

Lindsey saw Stevie’s arm come up to once more slap him but he caught her by the wrist and held up the test in front of them so she could see it for herself. Stevie saw the two lines on the small screen and Lindsey could only describe the noise that came out of her sounded like a wounded animal, he watched her fall to the floor

“Oh...my...god....” she said in between tears, Lindsey got down next to her and cradled her in his arms

“We’re still having our baby Steph” he said excitedly and moved his hand and rested it on her stomach

“I don’t believe this” she really didn’t know what to say at this moment

“Why...did you make me take the test?” she asked through crying breaths

“Well take yourself and my child and sit on the bed and I’ll explain it all to you” he smiled and helped her up of the floor

Once they were sitting on the bed, Lindsey sat against the headboard and cuddled up against Stevie and moved his hand back down to her stomach

“Right well I thought as much as you did that we lost the little one, and then you told me about the phantom pregnancy and how you thought you could feel something, then when you kissed me and I was holding you tightly, it wasn’t just you, I felt something move on my stomach, and I know what a baby feels like when it moves, I had three of them and I used to feel them when I hugged their mother all the time” he carried on all whilst rubbing small circles on their baby

“So I needed to make sure I wasn’t going crazy!” he looked down at her and she nodded, not being able to say anything

“I’m so sorry I hit you baby!” she told him as she crawled up him to sit in his lap

“I deserved it! I should have told you why but I couldn’t get your hopes up and then if I was wrong it would have disappointed you all over again, and I couldn’t do that Stevie, but please know how sorry I am!” she was crying again so he just sat for a while cradling her head. After a short while she spoke up

“I don’t understand why there was only one line when I looked at it!”

“Because Stephanie Lynn, you are an impatient little madam, and didn’t give it the 15 minuets it asked for” they both giggled and Stevie held onto him tighter

“We need to see the doctor tomorrow but would you like to double check now?” Lindsey asked her and she looked at him at arm’s length confused

“What do you mean?”

“I brought two tests just in case you wanted to check again?”

“Can we please? Oh thank you Lindsey” they got up off the bed and Lindsey told Stevie to go wait in the bathroom whilst he went back into the other room to get the second test


Stevie had done the test and they were both sitting on the bathroom floor waiting for the results properly this time

15 minutes had past and it was finally time

“You want me to do it?” Lindsey asked but Stevie declined

“No its okay I’ll do it honey”

Stevie picked up the test and looked down at it

“Well?” Lindsey asked excitedly

Stevie didn’t say anything as yet more tears fell, all she did was nod eagerly at Lindsey

Lindsey cried himself now as he grabbed Stevie and they fell onto the floor, he was laying atop her as he kissed her like there was no tomorrow

The two people in the world that just wanted to create something together were finally getting their wish

Thank you once again for reading! Is anyone still interested in this story continuing or do you want me to stop? xo

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