Chapter 1

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Warning: This story is pretty old at this point, so please excuse any cringy, stupid and typical Y/N behavior.
Thank you.


Tonight was one more night that Matt spent on the couch watching whatever movie he found on Netflix for today. I was sitting in our room with my laptop watching Supernatural for one more time. This show has always kept me company at night like this one when I was feeling alone. And I've always wanted to go in one of Supernatural conventions but, last year, when I asked Matt about it he said no. He hates this show and doesn't want me to watch it. That's why I hide in our room when I'm watching and also clear my browser history afterwards.

I can hear that he switched the TV off so I quickly close my laptop and I hide it under my bed.
"How was the movie?" I ask nicely
"Boring" he says as he falls on the bed. "What were you doing in here alone?" he asks
"I was just texting with a friend from work" I say
"Male or female friend?" he asks immediately
"Female. Don't worry" I say smiling
"Good. I don't believe you were talking about those clowns from that show. And I don't believe you have watched it since I told you not to" he says having that angry expression on his face
"No, no. Of course not. I don't even remember it anymore" I say and he nods.

"Is everything ready for me for tomorrow?" he asks
"Yes. I have packed everything you'll need for the weekend" I say
"It's a really important business trip so you better not call me through the weekend in case I'm on a meeting or something. I don't want distractions because I want to take that job" he says
"Of course"
"And you better clean around here until I'm back"
"But I cleaned today--"
"It doesn't seem like you did" he says and lays down. He turns his back to me and covers himself with the blanket.

Matt wasn't always like that. He was really nice and cute at the beginning. But these last years, he his true colours appeared. I am trying to be patient with him because it might just be a phase or something but it doesn't seem to be getting better. Just worse. He even quit his job last year because he said that he is tired of working for dicks. Like the rest of us work for people we like. But I've been patient. At least this weekend he is going for a job.

In the morning, I woke up first in order to make breakfast. I wake Matt up exactly the time he told me to and brought him his breakfast. While he was eating, I loaded his bags in the car.

"Everything ready?" he asks putting his jacket on
"Yes and I've packed the rest of the breakfast so you can eat on the road" I say
"Great" he says and opens the door.

"One more thing..." he says and turns around again. "Lately, you've been looking tired and you got weight. Try to fix that over the weekend" he says and leaves. Tears form in my eyes and I hit my hand on the table from anger. That's it. I run to the room and I take my phone.

Supernatural conventions I type on the searching bar. I find that they are actually having a convention this weekend in Dallas, Texas. It's just a 3-hour drive from Austin. Great. They had a few last-minute tickets left. They were expensive but at this moment I don't care. I'm taking at least this weekend for myself, doing whatever I want.

There are also available tickets for photo ops. The only available options for now were for a Solo Jensen Ackles, a Matt Cohen  and Rob Benedict duo and a Kim Rhodes and Briana Buckmaster duo. So I purchase one of each. There weren't any tickets left for autographs but photos were even better. I pay with my credit card immediately and a few seconds later I received my tickets on my email.

I was really excited about going to the convention and especially about finally meeting Jensen Ackles. He is amazing. He is dreamy. He is my McDreamy. But of course Matt doesn't like him because he believes that I'm just embarrassing myself. He says that waving my love for others makes him uncomfortable and that he really wishes that I were more humble. But at this moment, I don't care what he thinks. This weekend there is no Matt. Only me and the Supernatural convention.

I open my closet and I take a pair of black jeans that had a cut on my left knee, a black t-shirt and a red shirt. I also wear my black boots, one's that looked like Dean's and Sam's just in a different colour. I get dressed, I grab my backpack throwing in my phone, wallet and keys and I leave the house.

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