Chapter 8

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The convention ended a bit later than 9 pm and both Jensen and I left together. I was driving first and he was following with his car. About three hours later I was in my apartment. I park my car on an empty place that was just in front of my building. Jensen stops right next my car and I open my window. He gets his passenger's side window down "How about you stay here tonight? It's already past 12 and I'm sure you're tired" I say
"No, it's fine" he says
"Come on, I have a guest's room. Go park and I'm gonna wait for you here" I say
"Ok" he says and starts driving again. I get out of my car and I lock it.

A few minutes later, I see Jensen walking to me. I take my keys out "We are almost there" I say as I open the main door. We were alone in the elevator which was kinda awkward but noth of us seemed to want to ignore it. We get out and I lead him to my apartment. "We are here" I say opening the door and letting him in. "Get comfortable, I'm gonna go prepare the guest's room for you" I say
"Thanks" he says as he lets his bag on the floor.

I put new sheets on the bed and clean it really quickly before I returned to the living room. "Your room is ready. Now if you'll excuse me, I am gonna go to sleep because I have a morning shift tomorrow" I say
"Of course. I think I'm gonna go get some sleep too. Goodnight" he says
"Goodnight" I say and I go to my room.

In the morning, the first thing I did was go to the bathroom and take care of my cuts. Then I go to the kitchen and I make breakfast for both me and Jensen who was still asleep. After I ate, I went to change. I put on my blue scrubs and I take my bag from my room. I go back to the kitchen and I put some snacks in the bag. I grab my phone and keys from the side table and I leave as quiet as I could.

I had some time before going to work so I made a quick run to Starbucks. I got myself and Jensen a drink. I return home to leave Jensen his coffee besides the breakfast. But as I open the door, I see him coming out of the guest's room. "Good morning. I made breakfast and brought you your coffee. Americano you said yesterday to the convention, right?" I ask
"Yes, thank you" he says and smiles. I can't help it but smile too.

"After you eat, you don't need to clean the dishes. Eat and then you can go. I have to go now because I'm gonna be late" I say
"Yeah, right. Do you want me to help with anything else so you won't have to?" he asks
"Well, I was planning on cleaning the closet. Throwing away everything of his and burning all his photos but if you get bored... Go ahead. You can stay if you want" I say smiling and I leave.

As soon as I walk in the hospital, I meet Kelly. She was the head of the trauma department and also a good friend. "Oh my... what happened?" she asks worried as she notices my cuts
"Good morning to you too. I'm fine, don't worry" I say while we walk to our lounge room. "I'm actually more than fine" I say and she gives me a questioned look. "I have my McDreamy in my home. But instead of spending as much time I have with him, he is making my closet" I say. "Did I get friendzoned already?" I ask
"I have many questions about what you just said but give him some time. Maybe he is hesitating to make a move and believes that by helping you he'll pass the message" she says
"Or he already tried and I didn't get it because I'm stupid so now he thinks I friendzoned him" I say
"If he likes you so bad, he'll try again" she asks
"I hope so. Matt is past and now that I'm free I am going to do everything the way I want from now on" I say
"Are we still talking about your place?" she asks
"I'm talking about my whole life from now on"
"I'm happy that you finally realized it. Good luck with your... McDreamy" she says and leaves. I chuckle and I go to my locker.

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