Chapter 18

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After my shift on December 31st, I went home and Jensen and I started getting ready to go to his parents. To say that I'm stressed is an understatement. I finally decided on what to wear and then rushed a bit to do my hair and makeup.

While we were in the car, Jensen noticed that I'm a bit stressed. "Hey, everything is going to be fine" he says placing his hand on my thigh. "How can someone not like you?" he asks
"I don't know, ask my high school crushes, my exs, m--" I start saying but he kisses me.
"I love you and they will too. Ok?" he asks and I nod.

Jensen knocks the doorbell and his brother opens. "(Y/N), this is my brother Josh" Jensen says and we shake hands
"It's nice to meet you" I say
"It's really nice to meet you too" he says "Come in" he says opening the door further for us. Jensen lets me walk inside first and I see his dad coming to us.
"Hi, you must be (Y/N). I'm Alan" he says with a huge welcoming smile on his face
"Yes. It's nice to meet you" I say shaking his hand
"It's nice to meet you too" he says.

"Hi (Y/N). I'm Donna" Jensen's mom says and immediately she hugs me
"Hi. It's nice to meet you" I say
"Ok, ok, mom" Jensen says "We just came and you're already allover her" he says
"Are you jealous? Come here" his mom says and hugs him.

His sister, Mackenzie, came a little later with her babygirl and we all sat outside in the yard.  Jensen looks at his phone "5... 4..." he starts counting backwards
"3... 2... 1" we count all together. Then fireworks started appearing on the sky above us
"Happy new year baby" Jensen says
"Happy new year" I say and we kiss.

I walk inside and I see Jensen sitting on the couch with his baby niece in his arms. He was playing with her and she was laughing. I go to him
"Say hi to (Y/N)" he says shaking her little hand towards me. I sit next to him "My mom doesn't seem to be willing leave you, does she?" he asks
"Stop, she is really sweet" I say. "It's really cute seeing you with the baby" I say and I peck his lips
"Does it suit me?" he asks
"A lot" I say smiling. He smiles and kisses me again.
"I'm gonna go in the kitchen to get some water. Do you need me to bring you a drink or anything?" I ask as I take a step away from him and towards the kitchen
"No, I don't need anything now but... Sometime in the future, I want something from you" he says and I stop
"What?" I ask
"One of these" he says looking at his niece. I can't help it but smile
"Really?" I ask
"Yes" he says.

My phone starts ringing and it's the hospital's ringtone. I answer almost immediately "Hello, this is Dr (Y/L/N)" I say
"(Y/N), Kelly here. I know that it's your day off but I need you" she says
"I'm in Dallas right now. I'll need at least two hours to get there" I say
"I don't care. I need more hands because it's a mess down here and it's not even 3 am" she says. That's not a good sign because from experience we all know that on New Year's Eve more accidents come in after 3 am that people are returning home, many of them drunk.
"Isn't there anyone else you can page?" I ask
"I've already have here everyone I could and the rest aren't answering the page. Please (Y/N), I need you here. I need my right hand to handle all this" she says
"Ok, fine. I'll be there as fast as I can" I say and I hung up.

"Jensen" I say as I go back to him
"You need to go" he says
"Yes. The ER is going to be warzone soon and Kelly needs me" I say
"Ok, let's go" he says
"No, you don't have to come. Stay here with your family" I say and I kiss him. I go to get my jacket and I meet Donna
"(Y/N), honey, where are you going?" she asks
"They called me from the hospital and said that they need me. I'm sorry for leaving so early, I had a wonderful time here but--"
"You don't need to apologize. I understand why you have to go. I hope to see you soon" she says and hugs me
"Me too" I say hugging her back. "Thank you for everything" I say pulling away.

I run to Jensen "Babe, I need the keys" I say
"Oh yeah" he says getting them out of his pocket and handing them to me
"How are you gonna come home though?" I ask him
"Josh, can you drop me at (Y/N)'s
when you head out? It's on your way" he asks his brother
"Sure" Josh says.
"Ok, great. See you when I can come home" I say to Jensen
"Ok. Go save people. Love you" he says
"Love you too" I say and I kiss him.
"Be careful on the road" he yells at me before I leave.

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