Chapter 47

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I was waiting in line in the hospital's cafeteria to grab a coffee because Jensen doesn't let me have coffee at home anymore. Morning sickness has started but it's only once or maybe two times a day. So now I'm standing in line and I am browsing on my phone, trying to find an outfit for the red carpet. I overheard the conversation of two interns that were standing in front of the line and we had only two people between us.
"Oh my God, did you see (Y/L/N)'s date at the party? I actually think that he was looking at me" she says and I chuckle under my breath
"Really?" the other one asks
"Yeah, he looked at me and smiled" she says. I stand behind her and clear my throat loud enough so she could here me.
"I should go... do that... thing" the other one says and runs away
"You think that he was looking at you huh? Yeah... You think. But let me remind you that it's dr Ackles now and no, he wasn't looking at you because he was flirting but he smiled at you because he was awkward since you had already shoved your number in his pocket" I say
"I'm so sorry dr Ack--" she says but I interrupt her
"I have a patient, Mr Victor, in 1463 with a nasty, large and super infective abscess that you're gonna drain for me. Now!" I demand
"Yes" she says and walks away quickly.

I take my phone out and I text Jensen
'I hate you for being so handsome'

'Ok, thank you, I guess😂' he texts back. I got paged in the Emergencies and I went there as soon as possible. It was Lydia. She is actually a patient here for a few years now. She has endometrial cancer and we have been doing everything possible to keep her away from a hysterectomy. But now she was brought by her husband because of intense pain and bleeding.

"Lydia, look at me" I say as I try to keep her calm because she was in really much pain. "Your gynecologist, dr Williams, is getting done with another surgery and he'll be here right away, ok? We are gonna put you under right now so you won't feel any pain and get you in surgery. But there is a possibility that we'll need to do a hysterectomy" I say and she looks at her husband. He nods
"Do it" she says. I look at her husband because that's not a decision you take in a few seconds
"Do it. We've already talked about it many times and... just make sure she's ok" he says and I nod.
"Ok. Let's put her under" I say to the nurses that were helping me.

I started the hysterectomy and a couple of hours later that dr Williams was finally free, relieved me. Honestly, it was hard doing it because I couldn't stop thinking about how hard this decision was for them. I was literally cutting a woman's uterus, taking away her chance to have kids, while a baby is growing inside mine and that she'll never get this.

This day was hard, I'm not gonna lie. After a few consultations, I went to check on Lydia before I left for home. I notice that her parents were waiting outside of her room and as soon as they saw me, they asked me how she's doing. I told them about the hysterectomy and our plan for her healing.
"You did what? You took from our daughter the opportunity to have kids" her mom says
"It was her and her husband's choice--" I say trying to explain
"No, they are young and they don't know what they want yet" she says
"They are both adults in their 30s ma'am" I say
"Oh I'm not going to allow you to use this tone on me" she says. I take a deep breath trying to remain calm and that's when I saw Dr Williams coming to us.

"Is everything ok here?" he asks
"I was just talking to Lydia's parents about her surgery" I say
"You had no right to do that on our daughter" the mom says again
"Ma'am, we were both her doctors and we followed her--" he says but she interrupts him
"No, you didn't. You did it because you wanted to" she says
"We wanted to? We did everything we could so she wouldn't die. Or else, now you couldn't go in there and be with your daughter" I say.
"You are going to hell for that" she says. Wow, what a wonderful and well-thought reply.
"Whatever, fine" I say keeping a polite smile on "Have a good day, Dr Williams, I'll see you tomorrow" I say and I try to leave since the conversation is getting heated.

"Did you not hear what I said? I said that you are going to hell" she says again and I stop
"I heard. But see, my husband kills demons once a week, mostly on Thursdays, and the king of hell is a good friend of his so I'm not worried. See you there" I say to her and I walk away with a smile on my face.

When I went home Jensen was already in bed because the truth is that I'm late. I take a quick shower and I grab something to eat. I go to bed and I lay down as quiet as I could so I wouldn't wake him up. "Hey" he says still sleepy
"Get back to sleep" I say. He wraps his arm around my waist bringing me close to him. I snuggle next to him "I love you" I say and I kiss him softly "I love you and I love our baby very much. I love this baby and all our future babies" I say and I kiss him again
"Earlier you said that you hated me because I'm too handsome and now you love me again?" he asks laughing a bit
"Well... I blame it on the hormones" I say and he chuckles.
"Goodnight baby" he says and kisses me
"Goodnight" I say and I close my eyes.

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