Chapter 13

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I clear my throat and he finally turns to look at me. His eyes immediately go wide and he hugs me. I laugh and I hug him back. "What are doing here?" he asks still shocked
"I can leave if you wan-" I say but he interrupts me with his lips.

"I missed you" I say
"I missed you too" he says rubbing my cheek and I kiss him. I pull away but he kisses me again. He rubs my cheek softly while our lips danced in perfect sync. His hands travel down my sides and rubs them softly. Without pulling away from the kiss, he helps me sit on his lap. I place my one hand on his chest and the other one on the back of his neck.

Gently and lightly, I take his lip between my teeth, and pull it slowly back. He chuckles and kisses me again. His tongue licks my lower lip and I give him permission. His tongue enters my mouth and explores every last inch of it. Non of us seemed like wanting to pull away for air.

"Get a room you two" we hear Jared's voice and we pull away. I get off Jensen's lap
"When did you come?" Jensen asks
"I just came. Bri helped me" I say
"I knew that something was wrong with her earlier" he says and I chuckle.

We get out of the car and Jared walks to me. "Hi (Y/N)" he says and hugs me
"Hi" I say hugging him back
"So are you staying?" he asks
"Yeah. I'm leaving on Sunday morning" I say
"And where are you staying? At a hotel?" Jensen asks
"No, at Bri's" I say
"You can come to my place if you want" Jensen suggests
"Are you sure?" I ask
"Yes" he answers immediately
"Then ok. I'll have to go and get my things from Bri's house and then--"
"We'll go together after filming" he says wrapping his arm around my waist.

I look up to him and I peck his lips. "In the meanwhile, you can sit on my chair right there..." he says pointing at the chair with his name on it "...and watch us work or go for a walk" he says
"I would love to spend as much time I can, as close to you as I can" I say and he pecks my lips.

"Hey, hey, just not in front of me" Jared says and we chuckle. "You owe me a big one" he says to Jensen
"Why?" I ask Jensen
"Nothing" he says. "How about I show you my trailer?" he asks
"Sure" I say. He wraps his arm around my waist and we start walking to his trailer.

"It's a little messy but--" he says as he opens the door
"It's ok" I say as I sit on the couch.
"Do you want to go out tonight?" he asks
"I can't. I'm going out with the girls tonight" I say
"So you prefer them instead of me?" he asks jokingly
"Shut up" I say and I peck his lips.

After filming, Jensen helped me get my things to his place and then I started getting ready to go out. I was looking myself in the mirror one more time and Jensen came from behind. "You're beautiful" he says
"Thank you" I say and I peck his lips. He takes my hair away from my neck and starts kissing it softly.

"Do you want me to drive you somewhere?" he asks
"No, Kim and Bri are coming. They should be here any second" I say and he nods. I get a text from Kim that they are waiting for me. "That's them" I say
"Ok. Have fun" he says and kisses me
"Thank you. See you later" I say
"See you" he says and leave.

The next morning I woke up with a horrible headache. I take a look around and I notice that I'm on Jensen's bed. I don't even remember how I ended up back here. Gosh... How much did I drink last night? I get up slowly and I go to the bathroom. And the first wave of nausea came. "Good morning" Jensen says standing against the doorframe
"Not so much" I say washing my face.

"I have breakfast ready. Come on" he says and I follow him to the kitchen. I drink some coffee
"When and how did I come back last night?" I ask and he laughs
"You came around 5 am with Cliff. He happened to be out too last night and noticed the... condition all three of you were so he delivered you to your places.  You don't remember any of that?" he asks
"No. Everything after the 6th shot of tequila is just a blur. But we had a really good time" I say
"I'm glad but today we have all day for us" he says and kisses me
"And what do you plan on doing with it?" I ask between soft kisses
"I'm planning on spending it in bed" he says and picks me up
"All day?" I ask
"All day" he says carrying me on the bed without getting his lips off me.

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