Chapter 9

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I return home a little later than expected and I notice that the guest's room is empty. I take my phone out and I see a message from Jensen
'I took everything and threw it away already. I wanted to wait for you but I had to leave because I have a flight to Vancouver to catch. I hope I did a good job'

I open my closet and I see all my clothes organised in there. Just MY clothes and every photo gone.
'It's amazing. Thank you very much. How can I pay you back?'
A few minutes later, he replies
'You don't have to. I'm just glad I could help you feel a little better'
I smile and I let my phone on my nightstand. "Well, he could have asked for drinks or something" I whisper to myself disappointed. I grab some clothes and I jump in the shower.

Jensen's POV
Jared and I were in my apartment in Vancouver tonight to watch the game.
"Who are you talking to?" Jared asks taking my attention away from my phone
"What? No one" I say putting it in my pocket
"Is it (Y/N)? How is she?" he asks
"She is better, I think. I helped her get some things done yesterday because she had to go to work and for the little time I saw her she seemed good" I say
"So you two are still talking" he says
"Yeah. She is really nice and I want to keep her around" I say.

"You like her" he says smiling
"What? N--"
"Yes, you do. I mean why not? She is beautiful and from the little time we spent in the bar together she seemed really nice. You should ask her out"
"Oh no, I can't. We spent a night together in my hotel room and we talked and talked until she fell asleep on me and it was amazing" I say smiling while I remember that night. "But what if she isn't ready yet?" I ask. Jared rolls his eyes and frowns. "She was being shy about her slightly bruised cheek so I asked her to put her hair up and when she did, she was so cute and adorable... I called her cute and immediately she blushed and looked down and she apologized because she isn't used to taking compliments. So I think that she needs some time" I say.

"Ok" Jared says but then with a quick move he grabs my phone. "Hey, give it back" I say trying to fight him and get it back. But he opens it and reads our latest messages.
"Are you stupid?" he asks "She asked you how can she pay you back and you said that she doesn't have to?" he asks as I take my phone back
"Yeah, so?" I ask
"She just gave you the best opportunity to ask her out. Text her now!" he insists
"No, you're wrong" I say but he takes my phone again and run in the bathroom. He locks himself in there
"Hey, Jared, open the door! Jared! Don't send anything!" I say knocking on the door.

A few seconds later he comes out and gives me my phone back. I read the message he send
'You know what? Maybe there's a way to pay me back. How about we go out the next time I'm in Austin?'
"You didn't" I say shocked
"I did. Now let your phone and come to watch the game" he says. This can go either really good or really bad and I can't think about it right now. So I take a deep breath and I turn off my phone.

After the game, I check my phone but (Y/N) hasn't replied yet. That's when I started getting disappointed but I didn't say anything to Jared because he is gonna make it worse.

Your POV
I lay on my bed and I take my phone. I see a new message from Jensen. As I read his message my smile couldn't be bigger. "Yes!" I exclaim. 'I would love to' I text him

'Great. Is Saturday afternoon ok? Around 8 pm?' he texts me immediately. But I have night shift at Saturday and starts at 11 pm.
'I'm working at 11 so we'll have to end it early, if that's ok with you' I text
'Yes, it's fine. How about we do it 6 pm so we'll have more time?' he suggests
'Yes, that would be great' I reply excited
'Great. See you then'
'Can't wait'.

I let my phone on my nightstand again and I lay on the bed. I look at the ceiling smiling. Who would have thought when I was leaving that I'll return with Jensen Ackles and now we just planned a date? I wanted to scream and jump on the bed right now but I know better than getting my hopes up.

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