Chapter 48

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This morning, Jensen and I flew to LA for the red carpet but the flight cased my morning sickness to be worse but a few hours later I was feeling better. It's really cute that he didn't left me alone for a second while I was literally puking in the toilet. But as afternoon came I had to kick him out of the hotel to go have a walk with Jared so I could take a really long shower because I had to save my legs perfectly for tonight. In the afternoon, I the makeup artist and hairdresser that we had booked came and I started getting ready.

When I was almost done, Jensen came back from his long walk with Jared. "Perfect timing" I say
"Wow!" he says as he sees me
"And I haven't put my dress on yet" I say and he kisses my lips softly. While the makeup artist was putting some last details on me, the hairdresser made Jensen's hair.

When we were left alone, we both got dressed. I wore a beautiful blue dress with a big opening on my leg and Jensen wore his tux. God, he's handsome. Because I put my dress on I couldn't bend to put my shoes on because I would wrinkle my dress and also I was feeling like, if I bent and pressure my stomach, I'll puke again. "Jensen, can you help me put my shoes on?" I ask and he finally sees me in my dress
"Wow, you look amazing!" he says all excited
"Thank you. I love you" I say and I kiss him softly so I wouldn't smudge my lipstick. "Can you help me?" I ask handing him my shoes
"Of course" he says and gets down on his knees as I sit on the bed.

He had some struggle with the small clasp but he eventually got it. His hand travels from my angle to my thigh gently. "We don't have time for that now" I say and I kiss him. He takes my hand and helps me stand up. I look myself in the mirror checking my outfit.

"Are you sure that you want me to come with you?" I ask him one more time looking at him through the mirror"Yes

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"Are you sure that you want me to come with you?" I ask him one more time looking at him through the mirror
"Yes. You're stressed, I get it. I was too in my first red carpet but everything went ok. Everything will be fine, you'll see. I'll be with you all the time, ok?" he says. I take a deep breath and I turn to him "I have the most beautiful wife in the whole universe" he says and kisses me softly. "Shall we?" he asks offering me his arm
"Yes, let's go" I say and we leave our room.

The ride was fine but as soon as we arrived at the red carpet, my stress level increased rapidly. Jensen noticed it by my hands that were shaking like crazy. "Look at me..." he says immediately "You are beautiful. We are just gonna walk there, take some photos and then go inside, ok?" he asks trying to keep me calm. "Gosh, if I knew that it'd made you like this, I wouldn't bring you" he says
"There is still time for me to go back" I say
"Ok. If that's what will make you feel better, go. I'm sorry for pressuring you" he says fully understanding that I'm uncomfortable. The truth is that I wanted to go back really bad but it means a lot to Jensen. He has been begging me for as long as we've been together to go together on a red carpet but I was too shy to go. In an old interview of his he had said 'You can conquer almost anything by opening up to others and forcing yourself out of your comfort zone' and he's right. I just need to take this step and remind myself that I'm not alone. He knows that I am not made for this and he is going to help me.

"No" I say "No, you know what? I'm staying" I say and he smiles "Besides, I didn't save my legs so perfectly and got ready for nothing" I say and he chuckles
"I love you" he says
"I love you too" I say.
"Next up Ackles and Padalecki" the moderator says and we were already next in line.
"Are you ready?" Jensen asks
"Let's go" I say trying to sound ok.

We had to hit five marks, with the third one being the most important, and Jensen had already told me in every mark we start serious and when he smiles, I smile too so I wouldn't be stressed about when we change. On the first mark I was really stressed but tried my best to not show it and tried to follow Jensen's gaze. Then when we moved on the second mark, Jared and Gen went on the first. That was the first time we saw eachother today actually. While we were moving to our third mark Jared found the opportunity to talk to us "Wow, (Y/N)!" he says surprised and I blushed
"Thank you" I say
"You... Gen look really good too" I say and he acts mad while Gen and Jensen laugh. "I'm kidding, you look amazing" I say and we go to our mark. The third one and by now most of the stress is gone. Jensen wraps his hand around my waist again and we take photos. At some point he looks at me and I look at him.
"Kiss?" he asks and I chuckle. He kisses me softly and we let them take photos. "Feeling better?" he whispers
"Yes, I kinda like the attention" I whisper and he chuckles.

We move to our four mark and we took a few photos. "Can we borrow your husband?" a photographer asks
"Of course" I say and I take a few steps away from him
"You look amazing too. It's really nice to see you here" the same person says to me
"Thank you" I say and I look at Jensen. That's his field and he is a damn rockstar. He is looking amazing, he is glowing and he seems so comfortable. I love that and I am kinda jealous actually. It's so hard to believe that he used to be shy.

He goes back to the third mark to pose with Jared. "Gosh, they are like brothers" I whisper to Gen
"Yeap" she says and after our last mark, all four of us went inside together.

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