Chapter 54

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Jensen helped me to the car and started driving to the hospital. "We are not ready, you know this, right?" I ask him laughing a bit
"Why are you saying that?" he asks taking my hand
"I haven't packed for the hospital and we have nothing with us right now, you haven't put the car seat on--" I say
"Hey, look at me. Don't worry about any of that right now. I'll do everything when this is over ok?" he asks
"Thank you, I love you" I say and I kiss him.

That's when one more contraction hit me. "Another one?" Jensen asks
"Yes but I got it" I say "Did you call my doctor?" I ask through the contraction
"Yes, he is on his way to the hospital with his wife" he says
"Ok, great" I say. His wife is gonna be our pediatrician for our little girl. Thank God we picked a pediatrician early or else I don't even know what we were gonna do.
"Should I call your mom?" he asks
"No, not yet. Let's make sure that this is really happening and then you call whoever you want" I say
"Ok" he says.

We go in the hospital, my doctor checks me and confirms that I'm in active labor. My dilation is 4,5 cm and everything looks good. My doctor suggested to not get me my epidural yet because it might wear off in the worst part in which I might not be able to get another one and also it might slow down the labor. Contractions are becoming worse but with Jensen's help, I'm handling it.

"Ice chip" I say, as another contraction passes, to Jensen and he feeds me "Thank you" I say
"You're welcome. But are they really helping with your hunger?" he asks
"Not really but at least it tricks my mind and stomach for a bit" I say and he chuckles. He looks down at me and smiles
"I love you" he says rubbing my cheek
"I love you too" I say and he kisses me. "This is really happening!" I say
"Yes" Jensen says laughing. "We are leaving this place with an extra member in the team" he says and I chuckle.

"You know, I can literally feel her head  between my legs" I say
"Really?" Jensen asks kinda excited
"Yeah and it feels super weird and uncomfortable" I say
"It's ok, it will pass. You'll get your epidural soon" he says and kisses my head.

"By the way, my mom called to see if I returned home, earlier when I went to get you more ice chips" he says
"And?" I ask
"I told her that I'm in the hospital which got her worried--"
"Of course it did. She probably thought that you were hurt" I say
"She did but I explained and she can't wait for me to call her again and tell her that she became a grandma again" he says rubbing my head. "You know, I love that you're already thinking like a mom" he says
"Well, it's fitting" I say and he chuckles
"Yeah, I don't know about me though. Jared and I should really not be allowed to raise children. A single part of our conversations every morning in the car with Cliff could tell you that" he says and I chuckle
"No, you're gonna be an amazing dad" I say and I kiss him before another contraction hits me. "Also you know what I really want right now?" I ask
"What?" he asks
"Your mom's amazing homemade pie" I say
"I'll let her know" he says taking his phone.

About an hour later, my water broke and I had moved to almost 6 cm which meant that it was the perfect time for the epidural. And when the pain was gone, everything was just amazing. We spend all night in the hospital waiting for me to reach 10 cm. All night, it was just me and Jensen talking about random things and it was actually really nice. It was kinda like a date.

But when we heard that I'm at 10 cm and it's time to push, the look we shared... There was nothing that could be compared to it. Jensen facial expressions was everything, his smile was wide and beautiful, as always, and his eyes were a bit watery but also filled with that love look.

And contraction after contraction, I pushed with Jensen holding not leaving my side and letting his grip of my hand for a second. "We are probably gonna have a baby in the next push" the doctor says and that's the moment I was freaking out on the inside. I push one more time and there she is. As soon as the doctor pulled her out he laid her on me. Almost immediately she started crying and honestly, I was crying with her. "Hi baby" I say holding her but the truth is that I was scared to even touch her.
"6:34 am" the doctor says.

"She is amazing" Jensen says and kisses my head. "I love you so much" he says and I kiss him. They take her to clean her up, weight her etc and I look at Jensen.
"Sorry, I probably look like a mess but I'm exhausted. Now you've definitely seen me at my worse" I say laughing while also wiping my tears
"No, I saw you at your strongest. You have no idea how much I love you" he says holding my face in his hands.

"Will daddy cut the cord?" the pediatrician asks
"Go get her daddy" I say and he pecks my lips before going to our babygirl. He cut the cord and stayed there. She was still crying and he was just looking down at her admiring her. The doctor wrapped her in the blanket and laid her carefully in Jensen's arms which kinda caught him off guard. But he hold her in his arms perfectly and it was the most amazing thing I've ever seen. He came to me and sat right next to me.
"You did it" he says and kisses me.

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