Chapter 2

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I was just in time for the Jared and Jensen Gold Panel. I found my seat pretty quickly and I realized that I'm sitting on the second row. The truth is that I didn't really pay attention to the details when I booked my tickets. I was really nervous when I sat down because I didn't know anyone.

A girl comes towards me and sits next to me. "Hi, I'm Anna" she says offering me her hand
"I'm (Y/N). It's nice to meet you" I say
"It's nice to meet you too. Are you alone today?" she asks
"Yes actually. You? Do you have company?" I ask
"No, but I do now. If that's ok with you of course" she says
"Of course. After all, we are family, aren't we?"
"Yes!" she says and hugs me. I loved the fact that she is so welcoming and nice.

Rob Benedict comes on stage followed by the band. Everyone started yelling, including me. And when Jared and Jensen walked on stage we all lost it. Oh my... They were even more handsome in real life. Especially Jensen. I couldn't take my eyes off of him. After Rob introduced them and left the stage they took a look around. "Hi y'all" Jared says and everyone yells. But I still couldn't take my eyes off Jensen. I couldn't believe that this is real. And that I have a photo op with him later. It was like a dream come true.

Both the boys' eyes scanned the room. Jensen's eyes met mines and for a second the time stopped. He was looking straight into my eyes and he smirks at me. I blush and I look down breaking the eye contact.

The panel was amazing. There were both serious and hilarious moments. Anna and I both had a ticket for Kim and Briana's photo op so we went there together after the panel. While waiting in line we chat about the show. She also told me that she is waiting for her boyfriend who is going to join her later for her photo op with Jensen so they can do it together. The tickets were actually a gift from him from him for her birthday that was last week.

When my turn came, I was really nervous and both Briana and Kim noticed it. "Hi girl" they both say
"Hi" I say
"What's your name?" Briana asks
"(Y/N)" I say
"Great. Now that we know eachother we can both stop being nervous about meeting eachother because I'm nervous too" she says trying to make me feel better. I chuckle and I nod. The three of us hug and look at the lense. After the photo, we pull away "By the way, you are so pretty" Kim says
"Oh my God, thank you" I say
"You're welcome. See you around girl" she says as I walk away. Wow. This was amazing. I can't even imagine how Jensen's one will be. I'm just praying that I won't cry in front of him.

Anna and I attended Misha Collins' panel and then it was time for Jensen's photo op. We were getting closer and closer to the start of the line and I was beyond stressed and I was shaking a bit. Anna's phone rings and it was her boyfriend. "I need to go. He is here and he can't find me so I'm gonna go bring him" she says
"But you will need to go at the end of the line then" I say
"It's fine. Either way, I am not losing the photo" she says showing me her ticket
"Ok, see you later" I say
"See you" she says and leaves.

It was my turn now. I take a deep breath and I walk to Jensen. "Hi, how are you?" he asks immediately
"Amazing" I say with a huge smile on my face
"I'm glad that you do" he says smiling even more. "So you have an idea about your photo...?" he asks
"Just a hug would be great" I say and he nods. He hugs me immediately and we take the photo. I was ready to leave "One more" Jensen says to the photographer and hugs me again.
"Thank you" I say trying to keep myself together
"My pleasure" he says and waves as I leave.

Walking away from the photo op room, I spotted Anna coming back to the line. But she didn't notice me because she was at the other side of the room. She was holding her boyfriend's hand and she was talking to him. She smiles and kisses him. Then he turns his head for a second and I see his face. I freeze in place and look at them. It was Matt... It was my Matt.

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