Chapter 32

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Still Jensen's POV
The next morning was (Y/N)'s first court against Nick. She hasn't called me yet so I don't know if I should go with her or not. I asked my mom and she said that I need to go because (Y/N) needs my support even if she doesn't want to admit it. Honestly, I think that she is right but I still don't know what I should do. I want to be there to support her but if she is still mad, I don't want to upset her.

Your POV
I drove to the court alone and got inside accompanied by an officer. I didn't want my family to come with him because I didn't want them to hear the details of what happened. I was in a room with Michael to talk about a few last details before it was time for the trial. But news and photos about me entering the courthouse alone were already out and the first assumptions were starting to be created. But I was doing my best to ignore them.

"Whatever they ask you, you won't lie. His lawyer will probably going to be relying heavily on proving that the evidences are fake or the sources are unreliable. They'll try to put doubts in the ... heads" Michael says
"Got it. But be honest, is there any chance he wins? What if he plays victim again like he did in that video?" I ask
"Even if he does, we are prepared. When he will get on the witness stand, we don't know what he'll say or even how he'll act it but we are prepared for every possible scenario with our biggest card being the footage from your backyard" he says and I nod.

"Let me tell you this, there are too many proofs against him so he is going to try to rule out as many as he can to limit his penalty but he isn't getting out of it clear today" he says
"Ok" I say and he nods.

"Ready?" Michael asks and I nod. We get out of the room and I see Nick at the end of the hallway. He smirks at me and keeps walking.
"He can't do anything to you now" the officer says and I nod. We start walking to the courtroom.
"(Y/N)!" I hear Jensen's voice shout and I turn immediately
"Can you give us a minute?" I ask and Michael nods walking a bit further away with the officer.

"I know that I should have asked you before coming here" he says
"No, you shouldn't" I say and I hug him. "Thank you" I whisper
"You're welcome" he says rubbing my back.
"Are you sure you wanna be here for this?" I ask
"I do. I want to be here and support you" he says.
"I love you and I'm sorry for leaving like that" I say
"I love you too and I am sorry I even though about the fact that that son of a bitch might be right" he says. He pulls away and kisses my lips.

"Jensen... While you were gone, more things happened that I'm not sure you want to hear about" I say trying to blink away the tears from my eyes
"What did he do? I'm gonna kill him" he says but I hold him back
"Hey, hey, no. Calm down" I say "I'm already a mess, don't make it worse by having me deal with you being in jail too" I say and he nods.
"Let's go" he says and I nod.

We enter the court and Jensen kisses me quickly before we separate. Michael and I sit on our table and Jensen sits on the bench right behind me. Nick was already on the other side with his lawyer. "We got this. Don't let him scare you now" Michael whisper to me
"He is right. You got this" Jensen says
"Thanks" I say taking a deep breath.
"I have an idea. Mr Ackles, do you want to be one of the witnesses?" Michael asks
"If I can help, then sure" he says
"Great" Michael says and goes to Nick's lawyer. He comes back after a few seconds "You're in the witnesses' list" he says to Jensen. The judge comes in the room and everyone stands up.


A/N: Get ready because this is gonna be a long trail

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