Chapter 16

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"What's his name?" Dylan asks
"Jensen" I say looking down at my plate
"Ackles?" he asks jokingly
"Yes" I say and he chokes on his drink.

"Come again?" my dad asks
"I'm dating Jensen Ackles" I say as Dylan looks something on his phone
"You're the doctor in the photos" he says and I nod.
"He brought you flowers at work?" my mom asks looking at the photos
"Yes. It was our anniversary and he was flying here from Vancouver but I had to be at work before he could make it here also. So he surprised me before midnight" I say.

"You're sure that we are talking about the same person?" Dylan asks
"Yes" I say
"Jensen Ackles? The Dean Winchester, Jensen Ackles" he says
"Yes!" I yell
"And where did you meet him?" he asks
"In Dallas, in a convention" I say and he nods.

My phone rings and I take it out of my bag. "It's Jensen" I say
"Yeah, right" Dylan says ironically. I pick it up and I put it on speaker.
"Hi babe. How did it go?" he asks and Dylan's eyes go wide as he recognises his voice
"Hi. It went good. How about you?" I ask
"Great. My parents can't wait to meet you" he says
"Mine either" I say looking at them
"So it's up to us now. Anyway, I'm gonna head to the airport now so I'll call you when I land"
"I might be at work though so just text me and I'll answer when I can"
"Ok. I love you"
"I love you too. Bye" I say and I hung up.

"Convinced now?" I ask
"You are always the better twin, aren't you?" Dylan asks as he hugs me and I chuckle
"I'm just trying to compete with you" I say.
"So... When is Jensen coming here?" my mom asks
"Ok, let's not rush things. I'm gonna decide this with Jensen" I say and she nods.

That moment I get a text from my group chat with Kim and Bri.
'Wow, who is that hot doctor kissing Jensen?' Kim asks sending the pics
'I don't know. But (Y/N) might know' Bri answers and I chuckle
'I don't know either. But I do know that he said to her that he loves her and she said it back' I reply
'YEAAAAAAAAHHH!' they reply and I chuckle.

"Is that Jensen?" my mom asks
"No, it's Kim and Briana. Anyway, what are we having for dessert?" I ask
"I made pie" she says
"You're kidding me right now" I say
"No, I don't" she says and I chuckle.

As soon as I got to work, I went into the surgery for an emergency appendectomy and then I was pretty much free. I was the trauma surgeon on call but there wasn't any emergencies left for me. I take my phone and I see a text from Jensen that he landed. I call him immediately
"Hi, how was your flight?" I ask
"It was fine. Are you working?" he asks
"I'm waiting for new patients. You?" I say
"I'm still a little bit jetlagged but I'll be fine. I was thinking of when we should meet eachother's families. Actually my mom is telling me all the time that she wants to meet you" he says
"I'm ok with it if you feel ready" I say but the truth is that I'm stressed about it
"Great. In two weeks I'm going on my Christmas break so I'll probably be in Texas. How about on your first day off we go to my parents and on your next day off we go to yours? Or reverse, I don't care about the order" he suggests
"Sounds good to me" I say
"Are you sure? You don't sound that excited" he says
"It's nothing. I'm just a bit stressed, I'll be fine"
"Ok" he says with a chuckle "Don't stress. There is no way someone doesn't like you" he says and I chuckle
"I love you" I say
"I love you too" he says.

"I miss you already" I say
"Me too. Wh--" he says. That's when the paramedics run inside with a wounded man on the gurney
"30-year-old male, involved in a bar fight, open wound to the chest and abdomen, HR 88 and dropping, BP 130 over 90" the paramedic says.
"Patient. Gotta go, love you, bye" I say to Jensen as I run to the emergency room
"Ok, love you, bye" Jensen was saying as I hung up.

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