Chapter 14

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Today is Jensen and mines three months anniversary but I'm working at 2 pm and I'm going to be done probably after midnight. Jensen said that he'll be here as soon as possible because he had night shooting last night but we both know that he'll be here around 4 pm. Our two previous anniversaries happened to be on days that we could be together. So for today we decided to forget about it and just enjoy as much time we get together tomorrow.

The truth is that these last three months were kinda hard. I traveled to Vancouver maybe once a month to see him and also the girls and he is here almost every weekend when he doesn't have a convention. When I am in Vancouver, we stay at his place and when he is in Austin, he is staying in my place. We facetime almost all our free time but it's not the same as the physical contact. But when we are together... It's amazing. Jensen is amazing. He is so sweet, gentle and wonderful. Everytime he is here, it reminds me why he is worth the waiting.

I love him even more than I thought I did all these years but I'm afraid to tell him. I still have that fangirl inside of me that I'm scared of. She can come out any second and I'm terrified that she's gonna make Jensen feel really uncomfortable and eventually leave. So I will wait for him to say it because he might not feel it yet. Better be safe than sorry, right?

I look at my phone one more time before I leave the house hoping to see a message from Jensen that he landed but there is nothing. I was kinda disappointed but I just threw my phone in my bag and left.

As I park my car outside the hospital my phone rings. I take it quickly out of my bag to see that it's my mom. I was disappointed again. "Hi mom" I say
"Hi baby, how are you?" she asks
"Good. How are you and dad?" I ask
"We are good" she says and pauses. She does this everytime she wants to ask me something.
"Mom ask me whatever you want quickly because I gotta go to work" I say
"Ok. Your brother is coming from England tomorrow and we are having lunch all together" she says. But tomorrow is my day with Jensen
"I don't know if I can make it there tomorrow. How long is he gonna stay?" I ask
"Only for two days but he is going out with some of his friends the second day. Please (Y/N), it's your brother" she says
"I know, I know. Can I call you tomorrow morning to answer you because I have to go now" I say
"Ok baby. Bye" she says
"Bye" I say and I hung up.

It was a busy day today in the emergency. Many people and much blood so the time pasted quickly. After I scrub out of my third surgery for today, I go to the reception and I look at the board to see if there are any emergencies that need a doctor. But all the patients seem to be taken care of. I look at the my clock and I notice that it's getting close to midnight. "Happy anniversary" I whisper to myself.

I go behind the desk of the nurses station and I sit down. Just for a few minutes to rest my feet. I take my phone out but I had no texts or missed calls from Jensen yet. And I also had to think about my brother. "Dr (Y/L/N)?" I hear. I lift my head and I see Jensen standing on the other side of the desk. I get up and I walk to him. He pulls out a bouquet of flowers from behind his back and offers it to me. "Oh my God, Jensen, you didn't need to" I say taking the flowers
"Happy anniversary baby" he says
"Happy anniversary baby" I say and we kiss.

"(Y/N), I love you" he says still holding my cheek
"Jensen, I love you too" I say. He smiles and kisses me again.
"I'm sorry if I'm bothering you by coming here. I just couldn't let this day slip away" he says
"You don't, I hadn't had anything to do anyways" I say pointing at the board.

That moment Kelly walked in the emergency "(Y/L/N), is everything ok down here?" she asks
"Yes, yes. Everyone is being taken care of, that's why I am--" I say quickly
"Ok, ok. You can go" she says
"Really?" I ask
"Yes. There isn't much in here and Jordan is already on his way. I will page if I need more staff" she says
"Thank you" I say to her. "I'm gonna go get my things and we can go" I say to Jensen
"Ok" he says and pecks my lips before we leave.

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