Chapter 6

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But I couldn't keep my eyes closed for more than a minute. Every small noise scared me. I was constantly thinking that Matt is gonna come back and end what he started.

I take a deep breath and I get out of the bed. I take my key and I go to Jensen's room. I knock on his door and he opens immediately. "Hey, everything ok?" he asks worried
"Yes, I'm just... I can't sleep... I can't even close my eyes" I say and he chuckles
"Me too actually" he says "Come in" he says and I do.
"I'm sorry for my outfit" I say
"Don't worry. I'm in my pajamas too" he says and I chuckle. He was wearing a pair of black sweatpants and a black t-shirt. He looked handsome even in those.

"I was about to order a pizza and some beer. Wanna join me?" he asks
"Sure. Let me go get my wallet from my room" I say but he stops me
"You don't have to. It's on me" he says
"No, no--"
"Then let me pay and you'll give me the money tomorrow, ok? Don't leave now" he suggests
"Ok" I say and I sit down again.

He makes the order and sits next to me.
"So did you have fun today before..." he asks
"Yes, it was amazing. I've dreamed about this day for so long... You have no idea. And this morning I was pissed at Matt and I was like screw him. I'm taking this weekend for myself, doing whatever I wanted. But I didn't expect it to go this way" I say pointing at my cheek. "Or this way" I say pointing at him this time and he chuckles.

"Yeah, I didn't expect it to go this way either but right now I'm not mad at it" he says looking at me. I smile and I'm pretty sure I'm blushing
"Me neither" I say. He keeps looking at me in the eyes and makes me melt. I can't help it but get lost in his beautiful green eyes I've been looking at all those years. But for the first time they are looking back into mines now.

A knock on the door is the reason to break our moment again. Jensen comes back carrying the pizza and a bag with the beers. He lets them on the table and goes to the small kitchen. He takes two glasses "Here" he says handing me one of them
"Thank you" I say as I open a beer and I pour some in both of our glasses.

We get a piece of pizza each and take a bite of it. "So you said you are working in Austin?" Jensen asks
"Yes. I grew up in Austin, my family is there and I'm living there" I say
"I grew up here in Dallas but I'm living mostly in Vancouver too" he says taking a sip of his beer. The truth is that I already knew that but it would be awkward if I said that. So I just nod chewing.

"What hospital did you say you were working to?" he asks
"St David's Austin Medical Center" I say
"I was there last year. As a visitor. My sister had her baby there" he says
"Well, that's not my field. I'm a trauma surgeon. I work in the emergency mostly" I say
"You're a surgeon?" he asks impressed
"Yes. And I had spent two years of my residency in plastic surgery. If I didn't, I was not going to stitch my own face" I say and he chuckles.

"So are you coming tomorrow for my main panel with Jared?" he asks
"I don't think so" I say pointing at my face
"You don't have to hide because of it" he says placing the pieces of my hair that were on my face on the back of my ear. His touch on my cheek sent chills allover my body. "Put your hair up. Please..." he says.

I put my hair up on a messy bun with the elastic I always had on my wrist. I pull a few of my babyhairs out letting them fall on the sides of my face. "You're so cute" he says and I look down trying to hide my smile.
"I'm sorry, I'm just not used to complements. The last thing my EX said to me is that I look bad and that I need to lose weight" I say still looking down.
"Every moment I realize that he is an even bigger jerk than I thought" he says and I chuckle. "Anyway, what movie are we watching tonight?" he asks trying to change the conversation and taking the remote in his hand.

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