Chapter 44

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The next day, Jensen was getting ready to leave for Vancouver again. I had a nightshift today so I will leave for work after he leaves. "Babe, I'm gonna be in the garage" Jensen says as he comes downstairs with his suitcase
"Ok" I say. My phone rings and I answer almost immediately.
"Hi (Y/N). It's Kelly"
"Oh hi. What's up?" I ask
"I got the results of your tests back" she says
"Oh no. What's wrong?" I ask nervous
"Nothing is wrong. I just needed to ask you... Are you maybe feeling light-headed or some nausea lately?" she asks
"No. I've just been getting tired easier, why?" I say
"(Y/N), did you know that you are pregnant?" she says
"What? No, no, no. No. No, I can't be. I'm on birth control"
"Well, you can come see it yourself later but I just needed to give you the heads up"
"No. Are you sure you got the right results?"
"Yes" she says.

"I'm leaving in a few minutes. I'm gonna go pick up Jared and go to the airport" Jensen says as he comes back from the garage. I hung up on Kelly and I just stare at him still trying to believe what I just heard. "Are you ok? Do you want me to bring you something?" he asks
"A double tequila with ice" I say still in shock "But not now, in a year maybe" I say eventually
"Did something happen?" he asks and takes a seat next to me
"I got the results of my checkup" I say
"And they gave you bad news?" he asks taking my hand
"I wouldn't say bad... But I don't really know how to call it" I say
"Then what? Is it something serious?" he asks trying to understand
"No. It happens to many women and in some cases more than once" I say
"Ok... Does it last for long?"
"It last for a few months"
"Months? Are you gonna be sick for months?" he asks worried this time
"I wouldn't call it sick. However it is pretty tiring, I think" I say.

"Will it pass?" he asks
"It will. But it'll leave us with something" I say
"What? Physical therapy?" he asks
"No. A child. Jensen, I'm pregnant" I finally say and he freezes.
His phone rings and he answers
"Hey Jar. Something came up and I will be late. You go. I'll catch the next flight" he says and lets his phone down.
"Where is that tequila?" he asks me still shocked
"In the bar" I say pointing towards the kitchen. "I think I'll go have some" he says and gets up.
"And I think I'll go get some pregnancy tests" I say
"I'll come with you" he says following me.

After three positive tests, I still couldn't believe it. "I'll take one more" I say grabbing one more test from the bag
"No, wait. I don't think you need to do any more" Jensen says
"I can't be pregnant Jensen. We didn't plan this. We haven't even talked about it" I say
"It's ok. We will talk about it. You just have to accept it first. Look at me, I've accepted it" he says
"Yeah, after you had four shots" I say
"I had to do something while I was waiting for you to pee" he says.

"Look, we got this" he says and wraps his arm around me
"You think?" I ask
"I do. I mean, many people do it, right? It shouldn't be that difficult" he says
"Maybe. But I'll be the one that will have to be home and you'll be away most of the time" I say
"Don't you think I know that? I've already thought about it before we even got married. I know that I'm probably gonna miss many things like the first words, the first steps... But I'll know that when I'm gone he or she will be at the best hands" he says and puts his hand on my belly.
"I love you" I say
"I love you too" he says and hugs me.

"I need to be getting ready for work now" I say
"Go get ready and we'll leave together" he says and I nod. After getting dressed, I went to the kitchen and started making me some coffee. "No, no more coffee for you" Jensen says as he sees me
"What? Jensen, you know that I can't go to work without coffee especially on a nightshift" I say
"Of course you can. You are pregnant now" he says
"Exactly, and I'm getting more tired now. Also I'm the doctor here and I say that I can have one cup of coffee" I say
"We both know that you'll drink more coffee when you go to work. So let's save it for later" he says and I frown
"I hate you" I say putting the coffee down
"I know" he says and kisses me.
"You think, we can do this? Are we ready?" I ask him again
"I don't know. But I know that we'll do our best. And we have nine months to get ready" he says rubbing my back. "We got this" he says.

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