Chapter 53

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‌It turns out that me forgetting things is due to my hormones that are at their peak right now. Needles to say that for the rest of the pregnancy I was so abstract that my mom had to come and stay with me so I wouldn't hurt myself or burn the house down. She is helpful but she can also become really annoying at times. I just can't wait for Jensen to come home. He is been gone for two weeks now and I miss him very much. They are wrapping the season this week so he'll be staying home after that. It's actually perfect timing because I'm gonna be two weeks away from my due date.

But the nursery is ready and waiting for her. The only thing that's left is to pack my bag for the hospital which I'll do tomorrow after I do some research and make a list tonight about what I should bring. It's happening. It's actually happening. Those were my thoughts everytime I walked passed the nursery because I still couldn't believe that all this was real.

Walking in the hallway upstairs I felt a strong hit on my back and my belly at the same time. I put my hands on the wall and I look down. I close my eyes and I take a deep breath. The pain soon stopped and I stand up straight again. During this time my belly was hard like rock which definitely means that this was a contraction. But it lasted only for a few seconds so I'm not worried yet. It's probably just Braxton Hicks because it is too early for real labor contractions. I would go to the hospital but I don't want to be the doctor who that was in labour but was send back home because she was exaggerating.

I go to my mom who was making dinner for us "Honestly, thank you for staying and helping me" I say and hug her
"Of course baby" she says hugging me back.
"I just need one favour" I say
"Whatever you need" she says
"I don't want you to get offended but when Jensen comes, I want you to leave as soon as you can because I haven't seen him in two weeks and--"
"It's ok. I get it, I was gonna leave anyways because you're dad is probably out of food at this point" she says and I chuckle.
"Thank you" I say. "I'm gonna go lay down now if you don't need me" I continue
"Go, I'm just gonna watch TV" she says
"Ok" I say and I go to my room. But as soon as I entered the room, the same sharp pain came back. It didn't last long so again it's nothing. Most women have small contractions the last weeks of their pregnancy.

I heard the front door open and then Jensen's voice. So I got up from bed and slowly walked down the stairs. "Hey beautiful" he says and kisses me
"Hey handsome" I say and I kiss him again. "Mom?" I ask
"I'm already leaving" she says taking her bag. "Call me if you need me or if... You know" she says all excited
"I will" Jensen says and she nods.

She leaves and I kiss Jensen again and again. "I missed you" I say
"I missed you too" he says between the kiss. But another stronger contraction came in causing me to grab myself but Jensen and crouch a little. "Hey, hey, are you ok? What happened?" Jensen asks worried
"I'm ok. Just give me a minute" I say trying to manage the pain. This one lasted longer than the previous ones. "Time it" I say and he looks at his watch immediately.

When it ended, I stand up straight again and he sits me immediately on the couch. "15 seconds but I lost the first few ones. I'd say maybe 20 to 30 seconds in total" he says and I nod. "Should we go to the hospital?" he asks
"No, not yet. It might be nothing. I don't want to go to the hospital and then be sent back home without a baby" I say
"(Y/N)--" he starts to say but I interrupt him
"Jensen! They might stop. It's not uncommon. Don't worry, I know when it's time for the hospital" I say
"Are you sure?" he asks
"Are you sure that you what to play with my nerves right now?" I ask
"Not really" he says
"Great. Keep your phone in your hand and time when I tell you" I say and he nods

"5 minutes apart again" Jensen says
"And they last...?" I ask
"One minute" he says
"Ok. What time is it?" I ask
"10:37 pm" he says looking at his phone
"What time did you came?" I ask
"9 pm, maybe?" he says
"Ok. That means that it's been an hour that I'm having 1 minute contractions that are 5 minutes apart. The 5-1-1 rule. Let's go to the hospital" I say
"Finally" he says and helps me walk.

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