You're Mine

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9 months, it had been 9 months since I left Chibs trying to start a new life without all of the chaos and danger. I just needed to get away from all the lies and secrets he had created between us. "Kat? Uh, sorry to interrupt you but there's someone here that says they need to see you right now." My boss Rich said coming in. "Just let me finish draining the blood, and put the tube in to get the embalming started. Ok?" I asked him still working on the person on the slab in front of me. "That's fine I'll tell him to wait." He said leaving me to do my job. Him? Who's him? I repeated over and over in my head, wondering who the hell it could be one of the families I'd worked with? I finished inserting the tube and took off my apron, smoothing down my skirt and readjusting my shirt. As soon as I walked up the stairs I heard the all to familiar Scottish accent, I'd grown to miss over the 9 months I'd been gone. "Where's Katia?" He growled clearly growing more impatient. "Fuck Chibs, how did you find me?" I sighed walking in between the two men. "Katia, I've missed you." He stated with little emotion in his voice.

"Let's talk outside, we aren't doing this in here." I said walking for the door, dragging him by his shirt collar. "I'm not a fuckin dog Kat, don't you put your hands on me and drag me around like I am!" He yelled jerking away from me. "Well you are acting like a fucking pitbull!" I screamed pushing him slightly. "You're mine Katia! You left me without a word and I'm not leavin here without ya!" He screamed back running his hands through his hair. "You made me leave Filip, I couldn't fucking deal with the secrets and lies anymore ok?" I said crying. "You are the most important thing to me, I'm a fuckin mess without ya! Come back and I'll make it better I promised ya tha, you're everything to me mo ghaol." Chibs said crying now too. "I can't just leave my job and run back to where I didn't belong in the first place, I'm not supposed to be your old lady Filip I never was." I said crying harder now. "Yes ya are! Ya always were supposed to be baby, I can't do this without ya anymore. I need you Katia more than you'll ever understand." He said holding me as I cried.

I held onto him tightly, crying into his chest never wanting to let go again finally feeling like I was home. "Just let me take ya home, where ya belong. You're mine and I'm not leavin here without ya, please mo ghaol." He pleaded with me holding me closer. "Ok, min älskling. I'll come back with you." I relented feeling like my heart was finally healing. "Ah, I love hearing ya talk in swedish. God I've missed ya!" He slightly chuckled. I let go of him knowing I needed to let Rich know I was leaving, longing to be back with Filip. "Hey Rich, I'm leaving right now. I'm going back home with my husband, I'm sorry." I quickly explained grabbing my stuff and walking out with the search party Chibs brought with him. Once we got to the bikes I hiked up my skirt, getting on the back of his bike embarrassed by all the stares I was getting from the other men. "Look guys, if you have anything to say to me please just say it now. I want you to get it all out and please don't hold back, don't restrain yourselves from yelling at me." I said look down at the seat in front of me. "Kat I'm just glad you're coming back, and I don't have to deal with his crying all the time." Jax said coming over to me hugging me tightly. "We missed you Kitty Kat." Opie said grabbing me in a tight, bone crushing hug. Everyone else cheered in agreement, coming and hugging me too. "Let's get ya home baby." Chibs smiled kissing my forehead. After an excruciatingly long ride we finally pulled into the driveway of the home I shared with Chibs for 3 years before I left.

"Welcome home mo ghaol, it's not been the same without ya." He said helping me off of his bike. "Nothing's been the same without you baby, I'm so sorry I left you all alone." I said hugging him tightly, burying my face into his chest to inhale that all to familiar smell. "Jameson, cigarette smoke, and the cologne I've always loved." I smiled mumbling into his chest. "Well embalming fluid always reminds me of ya, but it's not my favorite." He laughed back. "Sorry I need a fucking shower!" I laughed pulling back from him. "Then go take one, all your stuffs still in there." Chibs said pulling me towards the door. "I'll make it up to you Filip I promise, somehow I'm going to be the person you always thought I was." I said squeezing his hand tightly. "You've always been that, we just got lost somewhere along the way." He said holding my face in his large hands. "God I love you Filip Telford." I teared up leaning in to kiss him. "I love you so much Katia Telford." He said picking me up and carrying me to the bathroom. "Now take a shower, ya smell like a fuckin morgue." He laughed sitting me on the countertop. "You're right, I'm sorry baby." I blushed pushing him to the door. Once he left I hopped down from the counter, going to start the shower seeing all of the things I'd left still there like he said they'd be. I stripped down all of my clothing, stepping into the hot stream of water cascading down feeling so at ease for the first time in months. After I had finished washing my hair, I heard the door opening looking over I saw Chibs coming in to lean against the counter watching me shower. "Ya need some company?" He asked playfully. "More than anything." I breathed out, opening the shower door.

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