My life

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See there are some advantages in living in a small town but yet there are tons of reasons why it sucks. Hi my name is April Sim and yes, I live in a small town called Cambridge.

Don't get me wrong I love it here u know everyone and everyone knows you. My top reason to why I think it sucks here is because I will never be able to meet my hero Sammy wilkinson I love that guy he makes my world spin my day worth living.

Someday I hope to meet him and just give him a big hug and thank him for being just plain out perfect.

(April's pov)

I woke up that morning dreading it because I had school I mean who wants to go to that horrible place for 7 hours a day not me. Anyway I was running a little late so I had to skip breakfast even though I hardly eat it screw what they say about its the most important meal of the day!

I just applied my daily makeup just some foundation and mascara, and then got dressed in my cream crop top and my white short shorts with my blue fans. Then I grabbed my phone charger and cheeked my phone before heading out side to my car. The reason I have been constantly watching my phone this week is because I found this girl who is like best friend with the one and only Sammy wilkinson. And I talked to her and she said she would mention me to him doubt that will every happen but o well.

I realized I was going to be late so I texted my best friend Olivia to stall for me because I knew I could count on her I also txt my friend Beth to help stall to so hopefully it worked. I wasn't really looking forward t detention so I pulled out and started speeding down the road. I was almost to the school when my phone dinged I couldn't help but cheek it i couldn't believe it he texted me thee Sammy wilkinson texted me the next thing I knew I saw I big truck coming right at me then it went dark.

What do u guys think so far good or bad? should I keep going?

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