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"See you later too, daddy!"


It was another day in August where the children would be up early to get their day started. The little girl started to wake up as she remembers what day is waiting ahead her. She was waiting for this day to come and now it's here.

She excitedly run towards a bedroom next to hers and opened the door. She jumped onto her father and peppered his face with kisses to wake him up. "Daddy! Wake up! It's my first day for school. I don't want to be late."

The little girl's lips formed into a pout as her father opened his eyes and chuckled. "Okay, princess. Daddy is awake." The little girl smiled and got off the bed. She took her pink towel and ran straight to the bathroom. "Min Ji! Be careful, you might slip." Her father warned.

"I am already a big girl, daddy. I am no longer a baby. I can take care of myself." He just smiled as he went towards the kitchen to make both of them a breakfast.

This is just a normal day for Jongho and his six-year old daughter, Min Ji. She would wake Jongho up like a human alarm clock and everything will go on. He will take Min Ji to his best friends; Hongjoong and Seonghwa so he could work then pick her up by the time he gets off.

But today, he is taking Min Ji not to work, but to a daycare. It's Min Ji's first day and normally, children would cry when their parents would leave them, but Min Ji won't. She is very excited and is looking forward to meeting new friends at school. She is also talking about how her first teacher would be like.

After cooking breakfast, Jongho saw Min Ji wearing her uniform. He smiled as he walked towards her and kneeled down so he they would be on the same level. "My princess is already a big girl. She could already dress up on her own, I'm so proud."

Min Ji flashed a bright smile and soon frowned as he scrunch her nose, "Daddy, you should take a bath and brush your teeth. You already smell." They both laughed and Jongho carried Min Ji to her seat.

He prepared her plate and utensils and spoke once again, "But even if daddy smells you still love me right?" the girl just nodded as a response and kissed her daddy's cheek, "Of course, daddy. You're the best daddy in the world. But I don't want to be late, you should take a bath already."

"Yes, princess. Eat up and wait for me." Once Jongho has already dressed, he took his bag and Min Ji's too. He found Min Ji brushing her teeth when he got out of his room. Jongho silently took his toothbrush and brushed his teeth at the same time with Min Ji.

The girl smiled and finished brushing. When they both finished, Min Ji gave a worried look to his father, "Aren't you going to eat, daddy?" Jongho appreciated her daughter's concern and patted her head.

"Daddy is just going to eat in the office okay? Here get your bag and wear your shoes. Daddy is just going to take care of the dishes. Understood, Min Ji?"

"Yes, Daddy." Like a bolt of lightning, Min Ji ran towards near their door, wore her socks and shoes. After that, she went towards the mirror by the living room and looked at herself at the mirror. She was satisfied enough with her hair since she thought she looked cute with bangs. "Let's get going, Min Ji?"

"Let's go!" She ran towards her father and held his hands. Jongho locked the door of their apartment where they live. He can't afford to buy a house yet, but he is going to make sure to give everything that Min Ji needs.

Of course, that's his duty as a father. But he didn't treat it like a duty or obligation, but the only thing that makes him happy; his daughter's happiness.

When Jongho and Min Ji arrived at the daycare, Jongho took Min Ji in front of her classroom. The teacher seemed to notice them and immediately greeted them. "Hello. You may come in," the teacher welcomed Min Ji and waved to her dad. "See you later, Min Ji!"

"See you later too, daddy!"

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