CHAPTER 19: She Said: About What Happened That Night of Her Birthday

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It was Monday, and Song Hwa got ready for school as fast as she can. She overslept because of a valid reason—she slept late last night. When she was not feeling well on Saturday, she decided to sleep it off. Which meant come Sunday, she had to finish her mountain-loads of homework.

She reached school barely a couple of minutes before the bell rang which signals the start of classes. She was still catching her breath when the teacher walked in.

She was not able to eat breakfast, so by nine-thirty in the morning, her stomach began grumbling. She prayed that lunch time arrives faster than the Korean Train Express. It did not.

She was eating lunch all by herself when Jeong Won appeared from nowhere carrying his lunch tray. He sat in front of her.

"Ya, Song Hwa." He began. "What happened to you during the weekend?...Uh, that's a cute ring."

Her eyes almost popped out at the realization that she still had it on.

"Uh, ye, I just bought it." She answered, as she discreetly turned the ring around, with the design now hidden in her palm. "I just didn't feel well last Saturday so I stayed in the whole weekend." She continued, reverting the subject back to Jeong Won's question. "Wae? Did I miss anything?"

"Geuroji anda. We were just wondering why you were missing in action for two days."

"Geurae." Jun Wan interrupted as he set his tray on the table and sat down beside Jeong Won. "We missed you for two days. Museuniriya?"

"Geunyang. I wasn't feeling well so I rested."

"Hmmm...I think something's up with you."

"Anda. Jinjjaro."

"Why don't you believe her?" Ik Jun asked as he slid his tray beside Song Hwa and sat down. "Isn't she allowed to get sick? Didn't you think it might be because of you two that's why she wasn't feeling well during the weekend?"

"Uri?" Jeong Won and Jun Wan answered in unison.

"Geurae. What did you do after band practice? Where did you go?"

"We just ate street foods. After that we went home...." Jun Wan explained.

"Eung...She went home early...I think it was before ten o'clock." Jeong Won added.

She wanted to stay silent, but at the same time she also wanted to speak up. But she felt she had to be cautious around Ik Jun.

"Ya, Song Hwa, are you sure you're already feeling well?" Ik Jun asked without looking at her direction, picking food with his chopstick and popping it into his mouth.

"Ne, nan gwaenchana...Gokjeongma."

"Ya," Jeong Won began, signaling a change of topic. "I haven't seen Seuk Hyung yet. Where is he?"

"Uh, he had an early lunch. He said he needed to research something at the library ASAP, so he went ahead." Ik Jun explained.

She could not help but feel that Seuk Hyung was avoiding her. She did not have the heart to blame him though. If he really was, she was partly responsible for it. She hoped what happened between her and Seuk Hyung on her birthday remain a secret. She would not want anybody, especially Ik Jun teasing him (or her) about it, as he pleased. It was not their business any way.

Lunch flew by fast and they left for their respective classes. But before she did, she went to the library to look for Seuk Hyung. She wanted to talk to him and clear the air between them. She did not want everything between them feel out of place every time they spend time together—by themselves or with the squad.

As she had hoped, she found Seuk Hyung at the corner most table in the library. One more step sideways, he would be part of the wall. She quickly ran towards him.

"Ya! Seuk Hyung-ah!" She said, with the intention of surprising him.

"Hah! Kkamjjagiya...." He said, almost jumping off from his seat.

They looked around and almost everyone within ten feet were staring at them in disapproval.

"Micheosseo?!" Seuk Hyung whispered.

"Mian." She answered. "I just want to see you."


"Let's talk outside."

She stood up and pulled Seuk Hyung out of his seat. He helplessly followed her, having no time to gather his books and notes properly. They went out of the library, she, tugging at his sweater sleeve, and he, hugging his belongings.


"Why didn't you eat lunch with us?"

"Jinjja? You're here to ask me that?"

"Geurae...You're still mad at me?"

"Aniya...I have to research for a report tomorrow."

"Jinjja? That's it? You're not mad at me still, right?"

"Aniya...Jinjja...Ya, Song Hwa...Dashi mian about last Friday. I really want to remain friends with you."

"Nado...So I'm asking you...Please, let's not tell them about what happened last Friday." Especially Ik Jun. But she did not have to courage to say it.


"Geurigo...Let's not talk about this ever again."


"Yaksokhae?" She asked as she stuck her pinkie out.

"Yaksok." He agreed and hooked his pinkie with hers.

They smiled upon the promise they had just made. This would only be between them. Something that would strengthen their connection with each other. Much like the memory of the rain she had with Ik Jun. It might not be as deep and important as that, but it was something worth treasuring. At that moment, she had a glimpse of Seuk Hyung's possible purpose in her life. It might be too early to tell, because they have only been friends for almost two months. Yet, deep inside, she knew that she wanted her friendship with him to last as long as possible.

As they walked away from the library, nobody talked about that night anymore. They just looked and smiled at each other, as if communicating telepathically. She was in such a hurry to keep their secret between them, she made him promise not to talk about it, which was what he is exactly doing right now. She then remembered she wanted to ask him about what happened to him that night after she left with Jeong Won and Jun Wan. All she knew was he got drunk enough to sleep on the street, thus ending up at the police station, and she, getting called by the police. If she wanted Seuk Hyung to know that she was there for him to help and support him, she would have to do it some other way. But this chapter in their lives would be stored away, probably never to be pulled out to the open again. And perhaps, it would be for the best.  

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