CHAPTER 25: She Said: About 'Fixing It No Matter What'

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Upon arriving home, Song Hwa opened the sliding door to her balcony to let some fresh air in, and a blackbird came flying inside her apartment. She was caught by surprise and did not know what to do whether to chase it, catch it, or kill it.

The bird perched on her kitchen counter. She had a good look at it, and it seemed it was not yet an adult—more like an adolescent. And just like most human adolescents, it could have left its nest without permission or knowledge from its parents.

She decided to goad the bird out of the door that it came in. She took the umbrella that Chi Hong gave her and swung it a few times, in the air and just above the kitchen counter, accidentally hitting her coffee mug. She watched as it flew like a baseball about to go on the outfield, hit the wall, smashing the clock hanging on it, both breaking upon contact. On the other hand, the bird flew, but to her astonishment, it did not go out of the door. Instead, it hovered around inside the apartment, up close to the ceiling. She looked up, watching while thinking.

Why won't you go away?

She sat down on the couch, still holding the umbrella. The bird, once again, perched, this time, on the top of her fridge. She released a heavy sigh as she fixed her eyes on it.

Fine. Stay if you want.

She stood up, headed towards the fridge, where the shattered glass from the broken clock and coffee mug lie. As she neared, the bird flew out to the balcony. It perched on the railings.

Looks like it really doesn't want to leave yet.

She closed the sliding doors to keep the bird out. Then, she began cleaning up the mess.

As she was carefully picking up the broken pieces of glass, her phone rang.


She was startled by the ring, mishandled a piece and cut herself. Blood came oozing out of her hand. She stood up, snatched the kitchen towel by the sink and wrapped it around her wound. She, then turned to her phone.

It's Ik Jun. She swiped to answer.

"Ya! Song Hwa!" Ik Jun exclaimed with excitement.

"Ya, Ik Jun-ah. I'm kinda busy right now, so if you're just calling to goof around, you can do it some other time."

"Uh...Geunyang...I'll just check on you then...Annyeong!" And he hung up.

Song Hwa sighed. It would be hypocritical to say she did not miss how Ik Jun brightens up her days by just calling for no important reason at all.

Was I too harsh on him just now? He sounded excited, and that's how I responded?

She had no idea why Ik Jun called and why he sounded excited. As far as they were concerned, he never needed a valid reason to call her. That was just how things were between them. And before, it did not matter to her if he calls with no particular reason. She even enjoyed it when he calls just to goof around. But after the confessions, those type of calls became a rarity. If her memory served her right, he had not called her like that since. Therefore, she should have accepted it with enthusiasm. And, for sure, that was how he expected she would.

Anyway...He'll call again...In two minutes....

Two minutes passed. Then, five...Thirty minutes later, still no return call from Ik Jun.

Should I call him instead?...I'll give him another fifteen.

Another fifteen became another thirty, still, the phone was silent. To her disappointment—at herself or at Ik Jun, or both—she fell asleep on the couch.

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