CHAPTER 40: He Said: About Taking Action

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Ik Jun went to Jun Wan and Jeong Won's office at five. He said he would be free by then. But he was not there yet, so he sat down on the couch after helping himself to some of Jun Wan's sweets inside his table drawer.

He was mentally going through the details of his 'life' talk with Jeong Won when he received a text message.

I just finished my shoot. Wanna go for some coffee?

He was not exactly sure what Go Ara wanted from him. He could welcome her as a friend, but if he does, what would Song Hwa think? After that incident in his office, he thought it would be best that these two women be required to be at least five meters apart.

When he and Go Ara got reacquainted during her father's hospitalization, he never expected that it would go this far. He never even thought she would bother this much. And based on what he remembered, he met her efforts rather unwelcoming. He was certain he had rejected her invitations more than he had accepted them....

Cham...I don't think I've ever accepted yet.

He smiled and shook his head at the thought. If only Song Hwa knew how he turns Go Ara down because of her....

Mian. I have an appointment with a colleague. Maybe next time. Sent.

Honestly, he would not want to ignore Go Ara like this, much more turn her away. But as long as the situation between him and Song Hwa had not been resolved yet, he would not want to get involved with any other woman that could make things more complicated.

Besides, however he avoided thinking about it, he could not shake off the feeling that Go Ara wanted to get back with him. Why would she even bother to keep on inviting him, asking him, insisting on being with him, even though most of the times he declined?

Once again, he shook his head to get rid of the thought, as Jeong Won came to his office fifteen minutes late.

"Mianhae..." He apologized. "I need to check on a patient after the lecture."

"Gwaenchanha." He replied.

Jeong Won lay down on the mattress bed and covered his eyes with his arm.

"Aigoo...I'm so tired...."

"Should I come back next time?"

"Aniya..." Jeong Won said as he sat back up. "Let's do this."

"Huh? Mwo?"

"This 'life' talk."

"Uh. Yeh."


He inhaled deeply before saying something. It was as if all the courage he needed was with that handful of air in his lungs.

"Let's forget about the pact." He said swiftly, simultaneous with his exhale. He had his eyes fixed on the wall.

"Mwo? What pact?"

He turned to Jeong Won, surprised by his answer.

"What pact?"

"Ne. What pact?"

"The pact that nobody among the four of us will pursue Song Hwa?"

"Uh...That...Jamkkanman...That's serious?"

"Yeh? Wae? Neo aniya?"

"I thought you were just...."

He covered his eyes with his hand, trying to keep his cool. He was serious about that pact. And he complied to it—for twenty years!

"Mianhae...." Jeong Won continued, unable to contain his laugh.

"Utjjima...." He replied. He felt the onset of a headache. Jeong Won was still laughing his heart out.

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