Chapter Two

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what do i do now that you're gone

no back up plan no second chance

and no one else to blame



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March 8, 2014

Growing up Beck had always preferred staying up late to waking up early, just a most children do. When she younger she always tried to take advantage of the weekend, summer break, or any other days she had off from school to sleep in as late as her mother, friends, or body would allow her to. Up until the age of twelve-years-old it was a rarity for anyone to see the girl up and functioning before eleven in the morning on school less days. However, her ability to sleep the morning away seemed to disappear overnight when she was twelve.

It was at the age of twelve that the girl started waking up early every day to make sure she could help her mother with whatever she needed. The tasks ranged from cleaning to helping with breakfast to watching her younger brothers-- whatever she could do to help make things easier for her mother. Throughout the remainder of her childhood she never complained about the fact that she rarely ever slept past seven in the morning. After all, she wanted to help her mother in any way possible-- wanting to make Holland's life as a single mother of three just a bit easier.

Even after leaving Ohio to return to the busy state of New York, Beck still never slept in. It was as though her body had been rewired at twelve that made it possible for her to just lay back and enjoy a few more hours of sleep. Alarm or not, she was always up and moving around by seven, at the latest, to get her day started. (Something that Thayne had made sure to start complaining about when they moved in together.)

Perhaps that is why Beck found herself already growing antsy when eleven o'clock in the morning came around that Saturday. All she wanted to do was go ahead out into the neighborhoods around her bakery to start handing out the flyers and free cookies, but she knew that she would likely only be greeted by swear words and doors being slammed in her face if she started going door to door too early. So she had forced herself to wait until eleven to head out for the task, which had left her with four and a half hours to kill after she had woken up. Hours which she had managed to knock out by doing a load of laundry, going for a long run, making breakfast for herself and Thayne, and playing with her three-year-old Beagle-Labrador mix (which was happily named Meeko).

But as soon as eleven o'clock came around she made sure that she was out on the streets with her cookies and flyers. She refused to let the cold weather slow her down in the slightest as she trekked around, returning to the bakery every so often to refill her supplies. Over the course of a couple hours she had managed to talk to both potential new customers and former customers alike. The former customers, especially those who were a bit on the older side, were more than happy to find the Starr woman standing at their door in the early afternoon. Several had even gone as far as to invite the woman inside, asking how she had been holding up in the months since they had last seen her. Trying her hardest to brush past some of the more awkward questions, Beck was still happy to see most of them. After all, these were the people she had grown used to seeing and talking to on a weekly basis whenever they stopped by the bakery over the course of the nearly five years she had been working for Gina. They knew her and about a lot of what ever had been through ever since she moved back to the city for college.

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