Chapter Three

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i'll shed a tear for you

open your eyes i'm by your side

i'm never leaving you



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April 12, 2014

Linkin Park played throughout the two-bedroom apartment that Thayne and Beck shared as the pair of residents lounged around their living room with Delia. After a long day of work, followed by Beck joining Thayne at the dance studio to help him practice, the trio had all decided to enjoy a relaxing night. That meaning a night that was filled with random ramblings, junk food, and what some might consider to be too much alcohol. Anything that could take the Jasperson man's mind off of his audition on Monday.

"Maybe we could go back to the studio tomorrow?" Thayne directed his words towards the brunette woman.

"Thayne, you went through your routine perfectly four times," Beck reminded him. "Just take tomorrow to relax. You don't need to be stressing yourself out over one audition. If they don't give you the part then they're just idiots, it has nothing to do with your dancing."

"Besides, if either of you are able to dance without vomiting tomorrow then I haven't done my job." Delia cut in as she placed a bottle of tequila down on the coffee table in front of the man. "Tonight is for drinking, not having a midlife crisis. Bottoms up, bitch!"

"How do you not have liver failure?" Thayne shook his head at the redhead. They had only been hanging out for an hour but the woman had already managed to finish the two beers they had had in the fridge as well as taken numerous shots of the tequila-- he had stopped trying to keep track after her eighth one.

"I've asked her that question way too many times," Beck chuckled between sips of her own drink-- vodka mixed with the leftover mango/pineapple juice they'd had.

"You might've majored in business and dance in college but I majored in drinking." Delia spoke proudly, as though her numerous nights out at bars, frats, and house parties in college were something to be proud of rather than concerned over.

"Trust me, I spent enough nights holding back your hair to know that." Beck reminded the redhead as the various memories of those nights filled her mind. One in particular from her sophomore year of college was burned into the Starr woman's memory, having had to go out to find her friend and bring her home and the Breeland woman almost drowning in the toilet after passing out from vomiting. It was a wonder how Delia had never gotten to the point of needing her stomach pumped.

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