Chapter Six

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you just gotta

hang on to the moments when you're flying

the moments when you're crying

hang on to the ones that hold you down

to the ones that ain't around

the good and the bad the good and the bad good and the bad

the good and the bad the good and the bad

you just gotta hang on



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May 22, 2014

"No." The single word escaped Beck's lips as she sat at one of the tables in the front of bakery that Thursday afternoon. As she spoke she forced her dark gaze away from her laptop and over to where Lin was seated beside her, the corners of his lips now tugging downwards in a childish pout.

"Come ooooonnnn." Lin drew out the last word as he batted his eyelashes at the younger woman. Though his feeble attempts at trying to sway her opinion showed to be doing nothing of the sort as she only rolled her eyes. "Thayne showed me a video from the last time you guys went out for karaoke. You have a great voice, and I know you can dance."

"I don't care, it's not happening." She shot him down yet again. It had become a common practice for whenever they met up to work on the upcoming project-- which had recently been dubbed 21 Chump Street. For a month Lin had been trying to convince the Starr woman to join the rest of them onstage, claiming that things would be "better balanced" if she were up there with them-- even if just as a backup dancer like Alex, Gerard, and Antwaun. "Besides, the show's two weeks from Saturday. That wouldn't be enough time to rework the choreography for another dancer."

"It wouldn't be too hard," he tried to reason. "They do that sort of stuff all the time on Dancing with the Stars and they only get a week to come up with the routine and practice it."

"Well if you wanna deal with that then you can go join Dancing with the Stars. I'm not looking to throw the others off," she refused to let him sway her into agreeing with him. Yes, she loved to dance and sing from time to time, but that wasn't the career she wanted. She wasn't someone that desired to be in the spotlight, but rather the exact opposite. She was more than happy to just lend a hand behind the scenes and go about her normal life without anyone having a clue about her part in things.

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